
Graph theory project to analyse transport data in the Massachusetts Bay area

Primary LanguageJava

MBTA - Transport

Build Status

This repo contains a tool to build MBTA (Massachusets Bay Transportation Authority) subway network as a graph. To more info about boston's subway/transportation system, access this link.


In the subfolder there are generated and collected data from boston's main subway stations and lines.


A sample of the subway graph can be found in this image, the nodes are station which contains turnstile information in it. The edges are connections between station related to a specific line (one station can be connected to multiple stations via multiple lines).



Feel free to contact any of the maintainers of this project:

Name User Email
Gabriel Vinha GabrielSVinha gabrielvinha@lsd.ufcg.edu.br
Italo Menezes italomlp italo.poroca@ccc.ufcg.edu.br
Lucas Barros lucasbarrosrocha lucas.rocha@ccc.ufcg.edu.br
Maiana Jardelle MaianaB maiana.brito@ccc.ufcg.edu.br