Repository on People Near Transit research project. Developped as a contribution between ITDP Brasil and Rafael Pereira IPEA.

Primary LanguageR


Esboco do Roteiro (step-by-step) do script em R

  1. define list os cities to be incorporated in the analysis

  2. Download GTFS feeds

  3. Download Pol-administrative polygons (admin_poly) source: http://www.gadm.org/

  4. Download Population grid Population residing in each 100x100m grid cell source: http://www.worldpop.org.uk/data/summary/?contselect=America&countselect=Brazil&typeselect=Population

  5. complicated part: Decide the boundaries of cities in the admin_poly

Analise na escala do municipio? area metropolitana?

  1. Clip population data to match admin_poly

  2. buffer stops with pop data gBuffer {rgeos}

  3. analyze stats

  4. plot maps and charts