
Combines structured logging (Serilog) with Application Insights. This is still a work in progess :joy_cat:

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ASP.NET Core + Serilog + Application Insights

I wanted to demonstrate the power of structured logging and illustrate some of the goodness of Application Insights (such as correlation across services and application map).

To see what I'll be working on next, head to the Trello board.


CI / CD for the Azure App Service demo

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Guiding principles

The following points are my personal preferences only. I wrote more about logging in this guide. Feel free to ignore these principles if they do not apply to your situation.

  • Logging should be wired up as early as possible to capture configuration issues (Serilog.AspNetCore instructions)
  • Use Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger<T> instead of Serilog.ILogger

Serilog / Application Insights integration

I'm using the Serilog.Sinks.ApplicationInsights sink.

I recommend sending log event to Application Insights as TraceTelemetry rather than EventTelemetry

Trace documentation:

Use TrackTrace to help diagnose problems by sending a "breadcrumb trail" to Application Insights. You can send chunks of diagnostic data and inspect them in Diagnostic Search. In .NET Log adapters use this API to send third-party logs to the portal. In Java for Standard loggers like Log4J, Logback use Application Insights Log4j or Logback Appenders to send third-party logs to the portal.

Event documentation:

A custom event is a data point that you can display in Metrics Explorer as an aggregated count, and in Diagnostic Search as individual occurrences. (It isn't related to MVC or other framework "events.") Insert TrackEvent calls in your code to count various events. How often users choose a particular feature, how often they achieve particular goals, or maybe how often they make particular types of mistakes.

Local configuration

To simplify the local configuration, I'm using the Secret Manager. I made it so that all applications share the same UserSecretsId (b645d8b3-b7a2-436e-85af-6d8de9e23bfa). If multiple applications rely on the same secret, you will only need to set this secret once.

To set a secret:

dotnet user-secrets --id b645d8b3-b7a2-436e-85af-6d8de9e23bfa set <secret-name> "<secret-value>"

Application Insights instrumentation key

The Application Insights instrumentation key should be stored as a secret. When running locally you can leverage the Secret Manager.

🚨 The Application Insights instrumentation key cannot be rotated.

Application Insights configuration

Note: this is based on the NuGet package Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore 2.5.1. The documentation for Console application is sparse and the integration is more limited than for ASP.NET Core.

Application Insights configuration for ASP.NET Core

Some settings can be set via ASP.NET Core configuration and code while others can only be set via code. If known configuration keys are set they will take precedence over the "normal" configuration keys. This section explains the convoluted default behaviour of Application insights while the next section details what I think is a better approach.

Code property name Known configuration key "Normal" configuration key
AddAutoCollectedMetricExtractor N/A N/A
ApplicationVersion version N/A
DeveloperMode APPINSIGHTS_DEVELOPER_MODE ApplicationInsights:TelemetryChannel:DeveloperMode
EnableAdaptiveSampling N/A N/A
EnableAuthenticationTrackingJavaScript N/A N/A
EnableDebugLogger N/A N/A
EnableHeartbeat N/A N/A
EnableQuickPulseMetricStream N/A N/A
EndpointAddress APPINSIGHTS_ENDPOINTADDRESS ApplicationInsights:TelemetryChannel:EndpointAddress
InstrumentationKey APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY ApplicationInsights:InstrumentationKey

Most relevant settings

  • ApplicationVersion will appear as Application Version in the Application Insights portal
    • Defaults to the value of the entry assembly's VersionAttribute which has some fairly restrictive rules
    • Even more relevant if you leverage canary releases as you'll have two different versions of your application serving production traffic at the same time
  • DeveloperMode will send data immediately, one telemetry item at a time. This reduces the amount of time between the moment when your application tracks telemetry and when it appears on the Application Insights portal
    • If a debugger is attached on process startup, the SDK will ignore the configuration keys related to DeveloperMode and turn it on
  • EnableAdaptiveSampling affects the volume of telemetry sent from your web server app to the Application Insights service endpoint. The volume is adjusted automatically to keep within a specified maximum rate of traffic (documentation).
    • 🚨 Adaptive sampling is only available for ASP.NET Core where it is turned on by default
  • InstrumentationKey self-explanatory

A better way to configure Application Insights

The most relevant settings require to be configured via configuration and code. The process is cumbersome as:

  • When using the configuration (SDK source), only some settings can be set; Namely: ApplicationVersion, DeveloperMode, EndpointAddress and InstrumentationKey (SDK source). The notable absent here is EnableAdaptiveSampling.
  • When using the code (SDK source), the SDK will instantiate its own IConfiguration (SDK source) using three providers: appsettings.json, appsettings.{EnvironmentName}.json and environment variables. If you're leveraging any other providers such as the Secret Manager, Key Vault or the command line they will be ignored. This will impact InstrumentationKey as it should be stored as a secret.

I decided to ignore the known configuration keys altogether. I assume they were added to support legacy hosting scenario on Azure. I also focused on providing a uniform API between ASP.NET and Console applications

I wrote an extension method (ASP.NET and Console) that leverages both code and configuration and allows you to set the most relevant settings via configuration.

Configuration Key Note
ApplicationInsights:ApplicationVersion Defaults to the InformationalVersion of the entry assembly
ApplicationInsights:InstrumentationKey No default value
ApplicationInsights:TelemetryChannel:DeveloperMode Defaults to false
ApplicationInsights:TelemetryChannel:StorageFolder Required on Unix if you want to to add resiliency to the telemetry channel. Optional on Windows
ApplicationInsights:EnableAdaptiveSampling Available in ASP.NET Core only, defaults to true 🚨

Running on a non-Windows platform

Application Insights is persisting telemetry to a temporary directory so that it can retry sending them in case of failure. This works out of the box on Windows but requires some configuration on macOS and Linux:

  • Create a directory to hold the telemetry
    • The user running Kestrel needs to have write access to this directory
  • Set the configuration key ApplicationInsights:TelemetryChannel:StorageFolder with the path of the directory

Enhance logging

Request logging middleware

I disabled the built-in request logging by setting the Microsoft minimum level to Warning and replaced it by RequestLoggingMiddleware.

  • Emit a single Information event when the request completes instead of two (one at the beginning and one at the end)
  • Requests that throw an Exception or return a HTTP status code greater than 499 are logged as Error
    • Swallow the Exception to avoid duplicate logging of Exception


This demonstrates the capabilities of Application Insights when used in an Azure App Service. The application is composed of:

  • A Web App (ASP.NET Core 2.2) API (SampleApi project)
  • A Web Job (.NET Core 2.2 console app) (SampleWorker project)
  • An Azure Service Bus namespace with a topic and a subscription to allow the Web App to delegate some tasks to the Web Job

Local secrets configuration

You'll need to configure the following secrets when running locally:

  • Jwt:SecretKey - used to sign the JWT, should be at least 16 characters
  • ServiceBus:ConnectionString
  • ApplicationInsights:InstrumentationKey

Deploy the infrastructure

cd .\template\
.\deploy.ps1 -subscriptionId <subscription-id> -resourceGroupName <resource-group-name> -resourceGroupLocation <resource-group-location>

This will create the resource group if it does not exist and:

  • Application Insights
  • An Azure Service Bus namespace with a topic and a subscription
  • App Service
  • Web App
    • The Application Insights instrumentation key will be configured as an app settings
    • The Topic Sender SAS connection string will be configured as an app settings
    • PHP will be turned off
    • Will use the 64 bit platform
    • ARR will be turned off

Alternatively you can sign-in to Azure and test the deployment. Execute the commands line by line:

Set-AzureRmContext -SubscriptionID <subscription-id>
# Either test the deployment:
Test-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName "<resource-group-name>" -TemplateFile .\template.json -TemplateParameterFile .\parameters.json
# Or deploy it:
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName "<resource-group-name>" -TemplateFile .\template.json -TemplateParameterFile .\parameters.json

Postman collection

I created a Postman collection to get you started.

You will have to overide BaseAddress with the URI of your Azure App Service.


This demonstrates the capabilities of Application Insights when running locally (optionally inside Docker). The application is composed of:

  • An upstream (client-facing) ASP.NET Core 2.2 API (Docker.Web project)
  • A downstream (called by the upstream) ASP.NET Core 2.2 API (Docker.Downstream project)

Secrets configuration

  • ApplicationInsights:InstrumentationKey

Docker Compose

$Env:ApplicationInsights:InstrumentationKey = "<instrumentation-key>"
docker-compose up -d

Once you're done simply type

docker-compose down

Postman collection

I created a Postman collection to get you started.

Results in Application Insights portal

Application name, version and instance

Application in local

Application Initialiser local

Application in Docker

Application Initialiser Docker

Application in Azure

Application Initialiser Azure

Request middleware

Notice how request properties such as the RequestMethod and StatusCode are recorded as Custom Data. This gives us the ability to query them in the Application Insights and Log Analytics portals.

Request middleware

Warning log event

Log events emitted by Serilog are recorded as Traces by Application Insights. The Severity level of Warning has been preserved. The value (local) of the Application version has been read from configuration using an extension method.



Error log events emitted along with an Exception will be recorded as Exception by Application Insights. The Request recorded by Application Insights will have knowdledge of the Exception and expose the stacktrace.


Application map

Dependency tracking

Dependency tracking



Resulting application map

Application map