
Tweets a random manga from MAL

Primary LanguagePython

Fluky Manga

Fluky Manga is a Twitter bot that tweets a random manga from MyAnimeList. Uses Jikanpy to access the MAL's API and Twython to posts on Twitter.

Local Setup

  1. Clone project repository
  2. Navigate into project repository i.e cd fluky-manga
  3. Change the following variables with your keys (Must have Twitter Development account to build a app and get the keys:
consumer_key = 'YOUR CONSUMER KEY'
consumer_secret = 'YOUR CONSUMER SECRET KEY'
access_token = 'YOUR ACCESS TOKEN'
access_token_secret = 'YOUR SECRET ACCESS TOKEN'
  1. Install the requirements: $ pip install -r requirements.txt


All images used are the property of their respective artists.


If you have any questions, something went wrong or just want to talk, feel free contact me at Twitter.

