
A simple generic router for Zig

Primary LanguageZigMIT LicenseMIT

Simple Router


Grug wants simple router that works well with Zap. Grug will probably deprecate this once Zap gets an official router implementation.

const std = @import("std");
const zap = @import("zap");
const router = @import("router");

fn dispatch_routes(r: zap.SimpleRequest) void {
    // dispatch
    if (r.path) |the_path| {
        var p = routes.get(the_path) catch unreachable;
        if (p) |*match| {
            defer match.deinit();
            if (match.item != null) {
                std.debug.print("route {s}\n", .{match.path() catch unreachable});
            std.debug.print("route '{s}' has nil handler", .{match.path() catch unreachable});
    // or default: present menu
        \\ <html>
        \\   <body>
        \\     <p><a href="/static">static</a></p>
        \\     <p><a href="/dynamic">dynamic</a></p>
        \\     <p><a href="/dynamic/1">very dynamic</a></p>
        \\     <p><a href="/dynamic/2">very dynamic</a></p>
        \\   </body>
        \\ </html>
    ) catch return;

fn static_site(r: zap.SimpleRequest) void {
    r.sendBody("<html><body><h1>Hello from STATIC ZAP!</h1></body></html>") catch return;

var dynamic_counter: i32 = 0;
fn dynamic_site(r: zap.SimpleRequest) void {
    dynamic_counter += 1;
    var buf: [128]u8 = undefined;
    const filled_buf = std.fmt.bufPrintZ(
        "<html><body><h1>Hello # {d} from DYNAMIC ZAP!!!</h1></body></html>",
    ) catch "ERROR";
    r.sendBody(filled_buf) catch return;

fn setup_routes(a: std.mem.Allocator) !void {
    routes = router.Router(zap.SimpleHttpRequestFn).init(a);
    try routes.put("/static", static_site);
    try routes.put("/dynamic", dynamic_site);
    try routes.put("/dynamic/:very_dynamic", dynamic_site);

var routes: router.Router(zap.SimpleHttpRequestFn) = undefined;

pub fn main() !void {
    try setup_routes(std.heap.page_allocator);
    var listener = zap.SimpleHttpListener.init(.{
        .port = 3000,
        .on_request = dispatch_routes,
        .log = true,
    try listener.listen();

    std.debug.print("Listening on\n", .{});

        .threads = 2,
        .workers = 2,