
Computer Graphics project for viewing .obj files using OpenGL

Primary LanguageC++

3D Viewer

Computer Graphics project for viewing 3D .obj files using OpenGL

image image

Supported features

  • Vertex loading (using Assimp lib)
  • Geometric transforms
  • Normal and wireframe views



This software is compatible with Linux environments.


If the file mesh isnt available, run make. That's it!



./mesh [filepath]

For example, try

./mesh resource/backpack.object 


Key Action
s or e Enter scale mode
t Enter translation mode
r Enter translation mode (default mode)
v Toggle wireframe view. Defauldt value is disabled.
p Toggle perspective mode (orthogonal or perspective). Default view is orthogonal.

Use the arrow keys, a and d for changing parameters in each mode.

In scale mode:


Key Action
= Increase scale proportionally
- Decrease scale proportionally
Left and right arrows Change scale in x-axis
Down and up arrows Change scale in y-axis
a and d Change scale in z-axis

In translation mode:

Key Action
Left and right arrows Move in x-axis
Down and up arrows Move in y-axis
a and d Move in z-axis

In rotation mode:

Fill Wireframe
Key Action
Left and right arrows Rotate in y-axis
Down and up arrows Rotate in x-axis
a and d Rotate in z-axis

Other demonstrations


All the dependencies are included.

Library Link Documentation
assimp https://github.com/assimp/assimp https://assimp-docs.readthedocs.io/


Many of the code is based on the great tutorials by Learn OpenGL available at https://learnopengl.com/Model-Loading/Model and on the Computer Graphics lectures at the Federal University of Parana (UTFPR) in the first semester of 2023.

The backpack model was suggested by the same tutorial, and is designed by Berk Gedik. It's available for download here: Survival Guitar Backpack.