Mostly tools but also guides / tutorials / courses, always updating it.
📚 Course (📋 Read,
📖 Book
📌 Tutorial / blog post / guide
📧 Newsletter / tutorials by email
- Sections:
- Design - Development - Others
- 🔹 Subsections
- ➖ Specific Topics
- 🔹 Subsections
- Design - Development - Others
➖ Learn:
▶️ Improving web and mobile typography - 5 guidelines - by Sketch Together Youtube -
Beautiful Type - inspiration and font pairings examples
Font Pair - font pairings inspiration from googlefonts
➖ Assets:
➖ Tools:
➖ Converters:
- Convert A Color - inputs and outputs a single color in hex, rgb, hsl and cmyk, 900-50 complete palette
➖ Palettes:
Color Review - test accessibility, contrast
Accessible Brand Colors - test
Material Palettes - good when a complete palette is needed, multiples tones.
Material Design Color Tool - uses the material design palette, has accessibility testing, limit of 8 colors
Color Hunt - for inspiration, interesting colors, base for a palette
Color Koala - for inspiration, interesting colors, base for a palette, has a filter for light/bright/dark colors and a desired hue
SchemeColor - interesting color palettes by concepts / brands, get a palette from image
Color Spark - single color/gradient inspiration
➖ Gradients:
uiGradients - inspiration, interesting colors
Web Gradients by Itmeo - inspiration, interesting colors, can copy the css in hex
CSS Gradient - visual gradient generator for complex gradients, outputs the css code in rgba
Gradient Hunt - inspiration, interesing colors, copies css in rgba
➖ Others:
Khroma - AI to explore colors and their combinations with typography, poster, gradient, images. Still in beta
🔧 Cool Backgrounds - Generate backgrounds with effects
➖ Icons:
🔧 Favicon - to create an .ico file to use as a website's icon
➖ Videos:
📚 📋 Hack Design - Design course with many resources
📌 How my design came to live - design process and struggles
➖ Courses:
- The Gymnasium - Courses about design and development
- 📚
▶️ UX Fundamentals ~ 3-6h - 📚
▶️ Information design and visualization fundamentals ~ 3-6h - 📚
▶️ Writting for web and mobile ~1h - 📚
▶️ Atomic design and pattern lab ~1h - 📚
▶️ Prototyping for digital products and websites ~1h
- 📚
- Balsamiq Learn - has UI/UX courses and resources
- 📚 📋 Intro to UI Wireframing
- 📚
▶️ Psychology of UI Design ~ 3h
- Design Code - has mostly paid courses on design and code.
➖ Books:
➖ Guides:
Women Made It - design tools, books, podcasts, blogs made by women
Humane by Design - design best practices
- Labs - guides, projects and practices for good and ethical design
🎮 Method of Action - games to learn design
➖ Articles:
📌 Is your product designed to be calm? - designing unobtrusive and with respect, guidelines to follow
Dark Patterns - BAD design examples
- 📌 Web design crash course - by Ali Spittel
- Lapa Ninja - collection of free design resources, books, inspiration
UX Booth - articles for everything UX
Style Guide - resources, examples, tools
Protorypr - resources, blog - CONSTANTLY CHECK
Design Systems - Examples made by figma
UI Goodies - resources, tools
Design System Manager - Learn - by InVision
UX Tricks - blog and some free/paid ebooks
➖ Tools:
- 🔧 Checklist Design - collection of UI/UX best practices
🔧 Overflow - turn your designs into playable user flow diagrams that tell a story
One Page Love - inspiration
Awwwards - top websites
FFF - interesting web animations
➖ Learn:
▶️ Structuring and Organizing HTML5 Forms - The Gymnasium - HTML ~ 1h
➖ Others:
🔧 HTML Escape - outputs escaped html, useful for pasting code, website has other of tools too
HTML5 UP - free templates, good for inspiration
➖ Learn:
Daily CSS Design - Amazing illustrations made with CSS
📧 Daily CSS Images - 50 day CSS challenges, it seems to be discontinued
- Bugsnag Blog - Various tutorials and guides about web development
📌 Rachel Andrew's Blog - everything CSS
📌 Custom Property (CSS Variables) controlled fluid type sizing
📧 Piccalilli - email newsletter about UI
🎮 CSS Diner - learn and practice css selectors
🎮 CSS Surgeon - learning css transformations
➖ Flexbox & Grid
Grid to Flex - practical uses for flexbox and css grid, comparations between them
📌 Enhancing CSS Layouts: floats, flexbox, grid - tutorials, examples, patterns
- 📌geddski - creator of flexbox zombies & other games, articles about css, ui, etc
➖ Animations:
➖ Challenges:
⏫ Frontloops Markup - challenges without solutions are free
➖ Preprocessors:
- Getting Sassy with CSS - slides and exercises
➖ Assets:
➖ Shapes:
📌 The shapes of CSS -> guide to create multiple shapes with css
📌 CSS border radius can do that? - to create interesting figures with border radius
➖ Libraries:
➖ Articles:
Avataaars - svg avatars generator
➖ Courses:
Scotch - courses, tutorials, guides, books and blog. free and premium content
- 📚 📋 10 Need to know JS concepts
- 📚
▶️ Getting started with JS for web dev ~5h - 📚 📋 Javascript Algorithms
- 📚
▶️ Javascript Foundations - The Gymnasium - JS ~ 3-6h
➖ Books:
- 📖 Javascript Grammar - visual guide (release was free)
➖ Tutorials:
JavaScript the Right Way - javascript guide for all levels, tips and good practices
JavaScript Teacher - tutorials, guides, videos
➖ Challenges:
- ⏫ Codewars
- ⏫ Edabit
➖ Tools:
- 🔧 JSHint - analyses js code for best practices / errors
➖ Service Workers:
➖ Node
▶️ Introduction to Node.js - The Gymnasium - JS ~ 1h
➖ Testing
➖ React
➖ Libraries
- Marked.js -> parser and compiler to handle markdown data and rendering
RegexOne - regex interactive tutorial
Regexr - test, visualize, understand regex
regex101 - test, visualize, understand regex
RegExper - regex visualization
📌 Converting objects keys from snake_case to camelCase with JavaScript
▶️ Modern Web Design - The Gymnasium - HTML, CSS, JS ~ 3-6h -
▶️ Responsive Web Design Fundamentals - The Gymnasium - HTML, CSS, JS ~ 3-6h -
⏫ Frontloops Elements - challenges without solutions are free
SuperHi tutorials - video and tutorials section, superhi has paid courses on development with design
Little Snippets - code snippets
This is Responsive - pattens and resources for creating responsive web experiences
Accssible - writing about CSS and design, tutorials and articles
Pintab - design and development resource list
The Gymnasium - Courses about design and development
- App Academy Open - free full stack curriculum, based on videos and interactive exercises
- 📚
▶️ Welcome To Coding - 📚
▶️ Intro to Programming - 📚
▶️ Software Engineering Foundations - 📚
▶️ Ruby - 📚
▶️ SQL - 📚
▶️ Rails - 📚
▶️ JavaScript - 📚
▶️ React - 📚
▶️ Full Stack Project - 📚
▶️ Job Search - 📚
▶️ GraphQL
- 📚
DevDojo - Has paid courses but some free videos, articles and tutorials
Material Design Developer Tutorials - codelabs
Alison - Some free courses with certifications but seems to be outdated
- Fullstack Academy - offers paid bootcamps, got the prep for free
- 📚
▶️ Prep Workshop
- 📚
- - still in beta
📌 Smashing Magazine - Articles on everything web dev and design
Code Talks - last talks about development
Coderwall - reddit for coders
- TodoMVC - examples for building todo apps in various frameworks, some with database examples too
⭐ - checklist to follow form proper formating, performance, accessibility and security
- Insomnia - OS REST client and APIs debugger
➖ Build
- - generates package.json and webpack.config.js for webpack, for parcel it generates the package.json. also generates the other dependencies files (like the .babelrc file)
- The Gymnasium - Courses about design and development
Gitbook - free hosting for documentation-like websites from github, good for notes, resources and allows more styling
- Interview Cake - paid guidance for programming interview
- 📧 7 day email course + weekly programming problem
- Deployment with Codepen Projects hosting - free but can't choose domain name with free accounts
- Namecheap
User Testers - earn money testing websites
📖 Guide to Freelancing - by Bonsai and InVision
Women Who Design - job board and design ladies to follow
- The Gymnasium - Courses about design and development
- 📚
▶️ Defeating busy - learn to plan, manage, etc
- 📚
- Notist - slide maker
Buildvisible - blog and resources about SEO mostly