WOC Liberation reading group

16/09/2020 - Topic: Anger


(1981) Audre Lorde, “The Uses of Anger: Women Responding to Racism”


This text was written in 1981 and it still rings true today. There is a lot of work left to be done. Learning and engaging with movement history helps us remember that we are not alone in this work. There is a great lineage of strong sisters that have left footprints and roadmaps for us to follow. The great thing about this short text is that it provides us all ample space to share what ressonates with us about the text, how it reflects or contrasts with our own personal experience and how it moves us to personal action. If you are less familiar with Audre Lorde, please also take the time to research her herstory prior to our meeting.)

Readings that came up in conversation:

29/09/2020 - Topic: Power

Reading: Enough With Crumbs — I Want the Cake. Power is anarchy. It dismantles patriarchal social structures and allows us to rebuild them with equity at their foundation.