
A simple Zsh theme that I fancy and that I've created for personal use.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Elm Zsh Theme

Elm is a simple Zsh theme that I fancy and that I've created for personal use. Its name (which is a tribute to Elm Lang), and the leading λ and separator :: characters, are an expression of my love for functional programming.

Elm Zsh Theme



  • leading character
  • user @ hostname
  • separator character
  • path: 1up/current dir
  • git_super_status
  • branch_info


  • date and clock


Download the theme's files

These cURL commands will download the theme files in the right directory:

curl -sLJ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gacallea/elm-zsh-theme/main/themes/elm-light.zsh-theme -o $ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/elm-light.zsh-theme
curl -sLJ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gacallea/elm-zsh-theme/main/themes/elm-dark.zsh-theme -o $ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/elm-dark.zsh-theme

Choose a variant

This theme comes with two variants:

Set Your Theme

Suppose you have chosen elm-light as your theme, set it in ~/.zshrc like so:



  • To install and use OhMyZsh.
  • To enable the git-prompt plugin.
  • To install and use Fira Code.


This theme is easy to modify and customize.

Suppose you don't really fancy the date and clock on the right, just empty RPROMPT:


Or that you don't care about why functional programming matters, just change the leading λ to whatever you fancy:

# Leading Character
local lead_char='%{$WHITE_BOLD%}λ%{$RESET_COLOR%}'

Same for the separator :: character:

# Separator Char
local separator='%{$WHITE%}::%{$RESET_COLOR%}'


This theme is licensed under the terms of the GPLv3 or later license. A copy of the GPLv3 is included here.