For detiled explanations checkout the WikiPage.
With 6D-PAT you can create 6D annotations on images for 6D pose estimation, i.e. annotate 2D images with the 3D rotation and 3D translation of 3D models.
- Get the latest AppImage from the releases page or use Docker.
- Download zipped example data.
- Unzip the zip file in a location of your liking. If you want to use Docker, remember to mount the data directory.
- Give the downloaded AppImage permissions to be executed.
- Execute with double-click.
- Go to
and point to the directories unpacked from the zip files. You should then be able to see the example data.
The program allows you to select a folder and view the images contained in it in a gallery. Selecting one of the images will display it at a larger scale to create new 6D pose annotations. The 3D models for those annotations are displayed in a second gallery which also loads the models from a specified folder. In the 3D viewer of the program, you can inspect a selected 3D model, rotate it and use it to create a new pose annotation.
The whole annotation process:
Browsing images and modifying poses:
Objects and images are from the T-Less Dataset.
Note: The AppImage is built on Ubuntu 20.04 (the latest version) and thus requries you to have Ubuntu 20.04. You could try a virtual machine if you Ubuntu version doesn't match or build the program yourself.
You can download the latest AppImage from the releases page which contains everything the program needs to run and should work on the latest Ubuntu out of the box.
Enable X-server display for Docker:
xhost +local:root
Run the Docker image (command changed! omit /6DPAT
at the end, this is now in the entrypoint):
docker run -ti --rm -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix -v /dev/dri/card0:/dev/dri/card0 florianblume/6dpat
Check out the getting the program wiki page for more details.
OpenGL | Qt | OpenCV | Python | Pybind11 | |
Version | >=3.1 | >=5.14 | >=4.5 | ==3.8 | ==2.6.2 |
For OpenGL, Qt and OpenCV these are the minimum versions you need to have installed. Python needs to be exactly 3.8 (C++ interface changes from version to version in Python) and I'm not sure about Pybind11 that's why I'm assuming you need exactly this version. You can do so this way for example (if you don't want to manually install Qt and build OpenCV):
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:beineri/opt-qt-5.14.2-focal
sudo apt-get update -qq
sudo apt-get -y install qt514-meta-minimal qt5143d qt514gamepad python3 python3-dev python3-pybind11
sudo apt-get -y install libopencv-dev
Then open the project's main
file in QtCreator and build the project. Everything should compile successfully. If not: Feel free to open an issue and I'll try to help you.
Check out the program setup wiki page to see in detail how to set up the program.
To start recovering poses, follow these steps:
- Select an image
- Select the corresponding object model
- Rotate the object model to a similar position as visible in the image
- Click on the image on a characteristic point of the object
- Click the same point on the 3D model - the program will show the number of click points at the bottom left
- Repeat setps 4 - 5 until at least 6 correspondences were created - more correspondences help to make the pose more accurate
- Click the "Create" button at the bottom of the pose editor
- You should see the recovered pose on the image
- You can refine it using the number fields or by dragging or rotating it directly with the mouse after selecting the 3D model
- After pose refinement, don't forget to press "Save"
More steps and details are on the wiki page.
If you use my program in your research, please cite it using GitHub's citation functionality in the right menu bar.