
CosmJS Proof of Concept for writing Typescript that can upload smart contract, instantiate and execute from script.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


CosmJS Proof of Concept for writing Typescript that can upload smart contract, instantiate and execute from script.

Uploading Code

Line of codes :

async function main(hackatomWasmPath: string) {
  const gasPrice = GasPrice.fromString("0.025ubay");
  const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(alice.mnemonic, { prefix: "wasm" });
  const client = await SigningCosmWasmClient.connectWithSigner(rpcEndpoint, wallet);

  // Upload contract
  const wasm = fs.readFileSync(hackatomWasmPath);
  const uploadFee = calculateFee(1_500_000, gasPrice);
  const uploadReceipt = await client.upload(alice.address0, wasm, uploadFee, "Upload hackatom contract");
  console.info("Upload succeeded. Receipt:", uploadReceipt);

These lines create a wallet variable from a mnemonic key and are able to connect with signer as a client to upload the wasm file to the Cosmwasm RPC endpoint. F.Y.I: We connect to a Cosmwasm RPC endpoint with a created wallet (using wasmd) and send it tokens using the faucet to be able to pay for the fees of the transactions.

Result: Launching the TypeScript code returns a receipt:

Upload succeeded. Receipt: {
  originalSize: 129936,
  originalChecksum: '3aa550708788e934c115a0dce0362a58cc8a7c11414f1f0326ddff44c51338f9',
  compressedSize: 47799,
  compressedChecksum: '298f9fa6a48e0793e2fbb3659b3f72bbfc698012234037667cc1241e7279fae5',
  codeId: 327,
  logs: [ { msg_index: 0, log: '', events: [Array] } ],
  transactionHash: 'D64BFCF623C8D32B31783377DE80BAECDAA488CDF95571499B0150FC37073662'


In instantiation, we use the code id to instantiate a contract to be able to execute and query files. The contract we instantiated has an address of : wasm1pagdhn3r0syy35ywe4y9nt80tc8jh8ryuxlvcc We give it a message of {count: 32} at instantiation as this smart contract requires it.


Execution of the smart contract is done using:

  const executeFee = calculateFee(300_000, gasPrice);
  const result = await client.execute(alice.address0, contractAddress, { increment: {} }, executeFee);
  const wasmEvent = result.logs[0].events.find((e) => e.type === "wasm");
  console.info("The `wasm` event emitted by the contract execution:", wasmEvent);

Which calls the Increment Msg from the smart contract that increments the count by 1. We receive a reciept of:

The `wasm` event emitted by the contract execution: {
  type: 'wasm',
  attributes: [
      key: '_contract_address',
      value: 'wasm1pagdhn3r0syy35ywe4y9nt80tc8jh8ryuxlvcc'
    { key: 'method', value: 'try_increment' }