
A Proof of Concept for scaffolding application-driven blockchains on Cosmos SDK


A Proof of Concept for scaffolding application-driven blockchains on Cosmos SDK

Proof of Concept Introduction

This is an introduction to a blockchain driven application proof of concept built on top of Cosmos SDK with Starport Tool. In this proof of concept we will be testing building a scavenger hunt concept with answering questions for bounties on the blockchain.

Small introduction of Cosmos SDK

Cosmos SDK is a Go framework that allows to build determinitic state machines on the clou (blockchains) with a single application (with different modules)


To make it easier to create a blockchain template, we use the Starport tool to scaffold blockchain and modules with just one command.

Rule of the Proof Of Concept

Scavenger hunt game with 3 basic mechanics:

  1. Anyone can post a question with an encrypted answer.
  2. The question has a bounty of coins in it.
  3. Anyone can post an answer on the question and receive the coins if it is correct.

New Blockchain

First of all, to scaffold a new blockchain use the command starport scaffold chain github.com/cosmonaut/scavenge --no-module This creates a new file with the basic SDK modules scavenge. Access it via cd scavenge

Scavenge Module

Now we need to implement our first module : Scavenge. This module will be used to send coins to people who answer with the correct question. We can use starport scaffold module scavenge --dep bank. A bank dependency is used since it makes it easier to transfer tokens on the blockchain.

CRUD Messages

After creating our first module we need to create CRUD (create, read, update, delete) messages, which alter the state of our blockchain. In our proof of concept, there will only be 3 main messages:

  1. Submit question
  2. Commit solution
  3. Reveal solution

Submit question

To create a submit question message: starport scaffold message submit-scavenge solutionHash description reward SolutionHash: The hashed solution to the question description: The descrption of the question reward: Amount of coins as bounty for question

Commit solution

To create a commit solution message: starport scaffold message commit-solution solutionHash solutionScavengerHash solutionHash: The hashed solution to the question solutionScavengerHash: The hash of the combination of the solution and the person who solved it.

Reveal Solution

To create a reveal solution message: starport scaffold message reveal-solution solution solution: The plain text version of the solution


After creating the messages, we need to create type and methods that can alter the state (remember CRUD).


We need to scaffold a map to keep track of all the questions.
starport scaffold map scavenge solutionHash solution description reward scavenger --no-message


Also create a map for the same logic for committing. starport scaffold map commit solutionHash solutionScavengerHash --no-message


Submit Scavenge

Submitting a scavenge should do the following:

  1. Check that a scavenge with a given solution hash doesn't exist
  2. Send tokens from scavenge creator account to a module account
  3. Write the scavenge to the store


  1. Follow comments on x/scavenge/keeper/msg_server_submit_scavenge.go
  2. Follow comments on x/scavenge/keeper/msg_server_commit_solution.go
  3. Follow comments on x/scavenge/keeper/msg_server_reveal_solution.go