Plant Disease Detection

It is a plant disease detection project... is used to train and test the model is used for finding the disease in the given leaf by the user

Package Requirements

  • numpy (pip install numpy)
  • tqdm (pip install tqdm)
  • TensorFlow
  • openCv
  • matplotlib

The model successfully recognizes three types of plant leaf diseases:

  • Bacterial spot
  • Yellow leaf curl virus
  • Late Blight

It is also able to give out some remedies regarding the detected disease.

We used tkinter to deploy our model. Following are some images of the process to use the model.


Now the user has to select an image for testing,


Thus, the user selected image can be seen and when pressed on “Analyse Image”, we get the leaf defects.


We get the status of the health of the leaf and the disease name from which it's infected, we can further check for remedies.


Remedies which we get, can be used for treating the plant.