Flag references to iris so you can remove them from your repos

Check out the source code at https://git.io/de-iris-my-repos first, and then run these lines. The CLI will walk you through the search results and will ask for confirmation before doing anything on your behalf.

iris_issues <- de_iris_my_repos()

de_iris_my_repos() is a simple CLI to search your repositories for references to the iris data set and open an issue in each repo where a reference appears to remind you to replace iris with another dataset.

It's time to move on from the iris dataset. Try some of the other datasets in data(), ggplot2::mpg, dplyr::starwars, or this dataset about penguins.

The issue description includes a small bit of background and guidance, followed by a list of files where iris appears as well as direct links to the lines where iris is referenced.


A few options are available in de_iris_my_repos()

  • Choose which GitHub user name to review, by default the user associated with the GitHub PAT used by gh

  • Set dry_run = TRUE to return results without doing anything

  • Set ask = FALSE to go ahead and open issues in all repositories

  • Use extensions to provide a list of file types where iris might be found.