
👨‍🎤 Oceanic Eighties Theme for RStudio

Oceanic Eighties

A cool dark mode theme for RStudio.

Based on the Oceanic - Eighties tmTheme and modified to fit in well with RStudio's blueish Dark Mode UI.


You'll need RStudio version 1.2. Grab the preview version here.

Run the following code in RStudio to download and apply the theme.

oceanic_theme <- fs::path_temp("Oceanic-Eighties", ext = "rstheme")
download.file("https://git.io/rstudio-theme-oceanic-eighties", oceanic_theme)
rstudioapi::addTheme(oceanic_theme, apply = TRUE)

Manual Installation

If the steps above don't work, you can manually download the oceanic-eighties.rstheme file and place it in .R/rstudio/themes in your R home directory (see path.expand("~")). Then, in the RStudio appearance settings, select the Oceanic - Eighties editor theme.