
forked version to allow 4 more button inputs to allow for 10 buttons per player vs. the original 8 per player


forked version to utilize additional GPIO to have 10 buttons per player vs. original 8

go to your command line by pressing the F4 key from emulationstation the type the following commands:

$ wget https://github.com/pjmcardle/GPIO_controller-for-retrorangepi/raw/master/TZGPIO.tar.gz

$ tar -xzvf TZGPIO.tar.gz

$ cd gpio

$ chmod +x install.sh

$ sudo ./install.sh

$ sudo reboot

now check to see if your controllers are recognized in emulationstation after your system restarts

this image are to plug GPIO pins

You can also add the following 4 button inputs beyond what the image above shows: Player 1: pins 3 & 27 Player 2: pins 5 & 28

Open the file above RetrOrangePi_GPIO_Pinout.xlsx to see all locations.

Happy gaming!