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👋 Hello. My full name is Sutan Gading Fadhillah Nasution, and you can call me "Gading". I'm Software Engineer who specialized in Frontend on Full-time works but also has some ability to code in Fullstack on Freelance/Side works. Very passionate about modern mobile and web technology while taking into consideration about the DX (Developer Experience).

💼 Career

I'm working full-time remotely as a Software Engineer. Currently on building the Web3 Platform and improving its DX (Developer Experience). I have 3+ YoE in professional works (including ~2 YoE in DevEx), and about ~5+ YoE in Learning about Software Engineering (started in 2017).

🔍 Currently Learning:

  • Blockchain, Cryptography, Web3/DApps, Solidity, and Generative AI/LLM.
  • DevX, Platform Engineering, Guideline & Tech Docs Writing

🚀 How to reach me:

© 2023 — Sutan Gading Fadhillah Nasution