
A visual representation of Healthy Foods Inventory

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Healthy Foods Inventory Challenge


We are the owners of a vegan-friendly store and would like you to create a visual representation of our inventory.

There are two main task described in the sections below.

Feature 1: Display products in a rich text table

We'd like you to display the products and the nutrition information in a rich table similar to the one below:

Products Table

We have already set up two API endpoints you can use to retrieve:

Feel free to use the API handlers already build in src/api/products.ts

For displaying the data inside the table you can use a 3rd party tool. Our recommendations are:

Feature 2: Compare two products

The second feature is to provide the user a way to compare 2 products in terms of nutrition info.

The user should be able to select multiple products. When two products are selected, a "Compare products" button should show up similarly to the screenshot below:

Products Table Rows Selected

When the user presses the "Compare products" button, a new table row appears at the top containing a diff between the nutrition information for the selected products. Here's another screenshot for reference:

Products Table Rows Diff

It should work similarly to git diff functionality:

  • the product selected first will show the nutrition values in red with a strikethrough content;
  • the product selected second will show the nutrition values in a positive color: blue, green, etc.


  • the content of the cell should remain unchanged if the nutrition info is the same for both products (e.g.: same amount of protein);
  • the name and tags columns can be ignored for the comparision.


How to attempt this challenge:

  1. Create a new repo in your account and note the git url
  2. Clone this repo and build it following the guidelines below: Building the project
  3. Solve the challenge
  4. Set your new repo as the origin: git remote set-url origin ${your repo url}
  5. Push your solution to your repo
  6. You must follow these steps for your solution to be accepted -- forks or other methods will not be considered.

Building the project

Please make sure you meet the Next.js system requirements

Once the repo is cloned, enter the folder and run the development server with:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the initial project.

You can start editing the page by modifying pages/index.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.