
Hello World application for Uffizzi virtual clusters

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Hello World for Uffizzi Virtual Clusters (~2 min)

This repo demonstrates how you can create Kubernetes virtual cluster on Uffizzi Cloud, the apply manifests for an example application.

  1. Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/UffizziCloud/hello-world.git && \
cd hello-world
  1. Authenticate with Uffizzi. This command will open a browser window for you to login or create an account.
uffizzi login
  1. Create a Uffizzi cluster
uffizzi cluster create hello
# [⠦] Creating cluster hello...
  1. Apply Kubernetes Manifests
kubectl apply -f ./manifests

Wait for the deployment to come up

  1. Get the Ingress to the deployed application
kubectl get ingress web --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config -o json | jq '.spec.rules[0].host' | tr -d '"'

The host address should look something like this:


Copy and past this address into your browser to see the application running.

  1. Cleanup
uffizzi cluster delete hello