- 0
Different fingerprints results from and PubChemPy module.
#24 opened by jslee-hits - 1
PubChem fingerprint implementation contains bad algorithm for features #116 to #255; and bad implementation of feature #60
#23 opened by ZlatomirTodorov - 1
When I calculated the result of PubChem fingerprint, it was different from that of Padel software. Did anyone notice this problem, or did I make a mistake? Attached is my program
#21 opened by Ls94wood - 0
constitution doesn't work on python3
#22 opened by sunglyoungKim - 1
- 1
Getting all descriptors
#19 opened by NadavQuris - 0
AttributeError: ‘url’ has no attribute ‘urlretrieve’ when calcutating AAindex
#18 opened by TeddyGlass - 2
can't find zip file
#17 opened by soyeonlee-1 - 0
- 2
Error while calculating Basak information
#10 opened by omkarfirame - 2
Error while calculating Kappa Descriptor
#11 opened by omkarfirame - 4
Python 3 support
#3 opened by MartinThoma - 2