
github webhook based deloyment server

Primary LanguageGo


What is gohub?

gohub is a little webserver written in go. He waits for webhook calls by github to run little shell commands.

Read the github post-receive-hooks guide

What is it good for?

Imagine you have your repo spread over several instances. You can use gohub to automate updating all your cloned repos.

How to use

Just edit the config.json to your needs. A short example: You want to track the status of your Repository "repo" and the branch master. If there is an update to this branch you want to execute your shell script "niftyscript.sh".


Now start the server with

go run main.go --port 6578

and add a git-webhook for your.domain.com:6578/repo_master. Everytime you push to master, your script gets executed.

Testing with curl

curl -v -d 'payload={"repository": {"name": "repo" }, "ref": "refs/heads/branch" }' \

What about safety?

Git webhooks use only 4 different ips for their webhooks. (,,, You can easily restrict access to your gohup server by using either a firewall or an equivalent nginx configuration.