
A challenge used as part of hiring for Platform Systems, G Touring

Platform Team Challenge

Thank you for your interest in joining G Touring, and specifically being part of the Platform Team! We're really excited to see what you can do.


  • Fork this project on Github. You will need to install Git, and create an account on Github if you don't already have one.
  • Complete the project as described within your fork.
  • Push all of your changes to your fork on github and submit a pull request.
  • We will be notified of your pull request (or feel free to email us as well), and we'll review!

If you don't wish to publicize your work on this challenge, you may simply send the completed project in an archived file to bartekc@gadventures.com


This project should not take you more than 6 hours. If you require extra time to get familiar with any documentation, please take your time. In the end, we don't want you to feel rushed, but we also prefer you keep the scope minimal.

For this project, we prefer you use .NET Stable 4.7.x, and C# Stable 7.x.

Your application will be reading a csv file, which contains a series of events. These events signify changes to data within our source systems, and for this exercise, we will use a single endpoint as an example receiving client, listening to changes.

The workflow we'd like to capture is as follows:

  • Every 5 seconds, your application will read a single row from the squeaks.csv file. This action will be synchronous.
  • For each record, you will deliver a JSON payload via HTTP POST to https://webhook.site. You may need to create a New URL to POST the payload to, as the environment expires after 24 hours. The JSON payload should look as follows:
# The value names presented here map to the field names in the table
    "date_utc": UtcDate,
    "event_type": Kind,
    "resource': Topic,
    "data": {
        "id": Id
  • Upon successful delivery, your application should:

  • Continue onto the next record, and continue the same set of actions.

  • The application should cleanly stop processing when the CSV has been fully read. (100 lines)

  • You can visit the webhook site to confirm and inspect deliveries. Make sure you visit your unique URL

Here's a sample of how the data looks like, the last column is ignored in this exercise.

Id UtcDate Topic Kind UtcProcessedDate
17 2018-08-21 09:00:00.000 Time Minute,Hour NULL
18 2018-08-21 09:00:00.000 Booking Modified NULL
19 2018-08-21 09:00:01.000 Passenger Modified NULL
20 2018-08-21 09:00:01.000 Invoice Generated NULL
21 2018-08-21 09:01:00.000 Time Minute NULL
22 2018-08-21 09:01:10.000 Booking Modified NULL
23 2018-08-21 09:01:12.000 Hotel Modified NULL
24 2018-08-21 09:01:13.000 Hotel Modified NULL
25 2018-08-21 09:01:14.000 Hotel Modified NULL
26 2018-08-21 09:01:15.000 Hotel Modified NULL
27 2018-08-21 09:01:30.000 Exception Raised NULL
28 2018-08-21 09:02:00.000 Time Minute NULL
29 2018-08-21 09:02:17.000 Hotel Modified NULL
30 2018-08-21 09:02:19.000 Hotel Modified NULL

This application does not require a GUI, and can be a CLI. We're open to how you approach the user interface

Stylistically, we're happy you bring your own style to this challenge, and we can discuss any unique conventions afterwards. If you wish to use your own set of tools or libraries, that is encouraged.

... And that's it! Feel free to try new technologies and patterns, as long as you're within the scope of the challenge requirements, we're happy.


We'd like to get a sense of how you work, specifically within areas that are unexplored territory, and if you are able to fulfill the requirements scoped for a project.

We're looking for code that is well structured, documented, and testable. You are not expected to write unit tests, but they are a bonus.

Please provide two or so paragraphs within the README of how you went about completing the challenge.

Getting Started

Everything is provided in this repository, including the data you'll work with. If you run into any blockers, please reach out! We prefer if a candidate speaks to us.

Talk To Us

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to bartekc@gadventures.com. We are looking for candidates who are not afraid to ask questions, and explore new ideas. Asking questions will not hurt your chances..

Thank You!

We're excited for the opportunity to work with you. We look forward to seeing what you create.