
Validator for yii2 allows you to compare dates.

Primary LanguagePHP


Validator for yii2 allows you to compare dates.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require nepstor/yii2-datetime-compare-validator "^2.0"

or add

"nepstor/yii2-datetime-compare-validator": "^2.0"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


public function rules()
    return [
        ['begin', nepstor\validators\DateTimeCompareValidator::className(), 'compareAttribute' => 'end', 'format' => 'Y-m-d', 'operator' => '>=']


This validator compares the specified input datetime with another one and make sure if their relationship is as specified by the operator property.

  • compareAttribute: the name of the attribute whose value should be compared with.
  • compareValue: a constant value that the input value should be compared with. When both of this property and compareAttribute are specified, this property will take precedence.
  • operator: the comparison operator. Defaults to =. The following operators are supported:
    • =: check if two values are equal. The comparison is done is non-strict mode.
    • !=: check if two values are NOT equal. The comparison is done is non-strict mode.
    • >: check if value being validated is greater than the value being compared with.
    • >=: check if value being validated is greater than or equal to the value being compared with.
    • <: check if value being validated is less than the value being compared with.
    • <=: check if value being validated is less than or equal to the value being compared with.
  • format: Date format to parse values with. Defaults to Y-m-d.
  • jsFormat: Date format to parse values with client side. Defaults to YYYY-MM-DD.