
Caching script for slow nagios checks

Primary LanguagePython

Nagios cache for slow check

travis status

Cache script for nagios checks :

  • Easy to setup
  • Simple python script with unittests.
  • Cache stored in JSON file with a lot of data like runtime of the command, output, exit code, ...


Help :

./cache_check.py -d -t 20 -e 300 --help
usage: cache_check.py [-h] -c COMMAND [-e EXPIRE] [-d] [-t TIMEOUT]

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-c COMMAND, --command COMMAND
-e EXPIRE, --expire EXPIRE
                      Expire time for the cache in sec.
-d, --debug           Enable debug mode (log in file).
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                      Timeout for the command in sec.
-i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
                      Minimum interval between command in sec.

Example :

./cache_check.py --expire 300 --timeout 30 --interval 10 --command "my_slow_check"
  • Expire : Cache expire time
  • Timeout : Background command execution timeout
  • Interval : Minimum interval between two run command


  • If no cache file: Run background command => UNKNOWN
  • If cache file is expired: Run background command => (UNKNOWN/CRITICAL)?
  • Else read the cache => CRITICAL/OK

In all these cases the command will not run if it is already running or if command interval not respected.

Run tests with coverage

nosetests -v --cover-package cache_check --with-coverage --cover-html test_cache_check.py