
Javascript workflow manager - Call method stored in an array

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Javascript workflow manager - Call method stored in an array

##Example of use

var myAppIntroWorkflow = new Workflow();
myAppIntroWorkflow.add(new WorkflowItem("splashscreen", 5000, myApp.splashscreen, myApp.callback1));
myAppIntroWorkflow.add(new WorkflowItem("intro", 3000, myApp.intro, myApp.callback2));
myAppIntroWorkflow.add(new WorkflowItem("popup-info", 1000, myApp.popupInfo, myApp.callback3));
myAppIntroWorkflow.add(new WorkflowItem("stake-prompt-popup", 5000, myApp.stakePromptPopup));

###***** WARNING *****

####In your "action" function, you must notify that the process has started by calling notify function: ==> Workflow.prototype.notify('START'); ####In your "callback" function, you must notify that the process has finished by calling notify function: ==> Workflow.prototype.notify('END');

Let see example below:

var App = function() {};

App.prototype = {
    splashscreen: function() {
        // Do something here
    callback1: function() {

var myApp = new App();

####Other usefull methods: To pause the process, use Workflow.prototype.pause(); and to restart, use Workflow.prototype.restart();