Part of Android Development - ISMIN

Course followed by students of Mines St Etienne, ISMIN - M2 Computer Science.

Mines St Etienne

TP4: Fragments

📝 Goal

The goal is to refactor the app by introducing Fragments.

Preparatory work:

  • Copy everything from previous TP (except the README)


  • Create a BookListFragment fragment
  • Update its attributes and factory method (the one called newInstance) to handle a ArrayList<Book>
  • Move the <RecyclerView> from the layout of MainActivity to the one of BookListFragment
  • Do the same for all RecyclerView related logic

In MainActivity:

  • Add a <ConstraintLayout> in the layout
  • Add some code to create a BookListFragment fragment and display it


  • Create a CreateBookFragment fragment, if you generate it you can keep only onCreateView function and discard everything else
  • Move code and layout from CreateBookActivity to CreateBookFragment
  • Create an interface BookCreator with a onBookCreated(book: Book)
  • Use onAttach function to save a reference to the activity
  • Implement BookCreator interface in MainActivity

🚀 Getting Started

  • Start Android Studio
  • Select Open an existing Android Studio project and pick this directory

That's it! You can code!

🛰 Extra

No extra this time!