This program was part of UNIKATE 2019. It is a simple GUI with word prediction.
It uses the predictionary libary by klues https://github.com/asterics/predictionary for the word prediction.
This is an electron app with integrated react.
To start the development use npm run electron-dev
To pack everything into an installable .exe use npm run electron-pack
. Mac builds are also possible if the package.json is changed.
As is uses alternate input methods and serial, robotjs and serialport packages are used. These require a specific node version. If the node Version is changed the package.json needs to be changed according to the new version.
If the progam is started it will generate a dictionary file in the users home directory. This files saves all the words and how they are placed in sentences. A german dictionary is used as a start. This is saved in the code itself and cannot be changed during runtime (altough predictionary can do that). If the file is deleted it will be regenerated.