
An intuitive Ruby API for operations on meta data of the Bible

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

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This is a ruby library that provides operations related with meta information about the Bible


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'scriptura'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install scriptura


There are four main classes in this library:

  • Scripture
  • ScriptureBook
  • ScriptureChapter
  • ScriptureVerse
  • ScriptureReference


The way it is written, this is actually a module that encapsulates methods that scope the entire bible

> Scripture.book_names
 => ["Genesis", "Exodus", "Leviticus", ... , "Revelation"]


This is a ruby class that gets initialized by passing in the book number. You can also find_by_name the book or find it by its 'string_id'

Note: Books with no chapters are considered to be books with one chapter

> sb = ScriptureBook.new(1)
 => #<ScriptureBook:0x007fcb1b80f7f8 @number=1>
> sb.name
  => "Genesis"
> ScriptureBook.find_by_name("1 Corinthians")
 => #<ScriptureBook:0x007fa194831e80 @number=46>
> ScriptureBook.find_by_name("1 Corinthians").number
 => 46
> ScriptureBook.find("1-corinthians")
 => #<ScriptureBook:0x007fa195866378 @number=46>
> ScriptureBook.find("1-corinthians").number
 => 46
> ScriptureBook.find("1-corinthians").number_of_chapters
 => 16

It raises an error when trying to initalize a scripture book that doesn't exist

> ScriptureBook.new(67)
RuntimeError: book number should be within 1-66

Feel free to browse the code / test to get a sense of the API