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This repository contains browser for viewing activity on the underlying blockchain network.

Code style


For typescript code style standards we use TSLint


We use CSS Comb to format SCSS code in project.

To have it in JetBrains WebStorm follow next instructions

  1. Go to Preferences > External Tools (or press ⌘, on Mac)
  2. Click on Add icon (or press ⌘N on Mac)
  3. Fill the form with following info:
    • Name: CSS Comb
    • Program: $ProjectFileDir$/node_modules/.bin/csscomb
    • Parameters: $FilePath$ -t
    • Working directory: $FileDir$

Docker Quick Start

You can run production version of application in Docker container

docker-compose up

To rebuild image run

docker-compose up --build

To pass custom variables run docker-compose with variable REACT_APP_APP_CONFIG

REACT_APP_APP_CONFIG=/path/to/custom/app.config.js docker-compose up

Where app.config.js is a JavaScript file containing next content:

var __APP_CONFIG__ = {
  apiUrl: 'http://custom.apiserver',
  alternativeLogo: true, // true by default
  environments: [
       name: 'Testnet',
       url: 'http://custom.explorerUrl',

if (typeof global !== 'undefined') {
  global.__APP_CONFIG__ = __APP_CONFIG__;


In order to translate project files use i18n-editor. Download latest stable release and open Project located in client/src/locales