
Simple weather notifier

Primary LanguagePython


This repo has been moved from my private Bitbucket repository.

About app

Hi! This is my first simple python app that connects to weaterunderground API and checks for the weather. I decided to create this simple app because as DevOps engineer I wanted to know not only how to deploy applications on Docker but how to create dockerized apps, as well. So this repo also includes Dockerfile and Jenkinsfile.



  • app.py - main file for executing app
  • Forecast.py - class for checking weather
  • SendMail.py - class for sending mail via gmail
  • token.txt - place where token to API is stored
  • Jsons - catalog where I store API response example
  • Dockerfile and Jenkinsfile - files I need to create container from my app and automate deployment


  • Need to have token to connect wunderground's API
  • Application send mail every day at 6:45 AM with weather forecast:
sched.add_job(get_today_weather, 'cron', [hourly, current], hour=6, minute=45)
  • Every 30 minutes app get forecast for next hour between 7AM and 8PM:
sched.add_job(get_rain_forecast, 'cron', [hourly, current], hour='7-20', minute='0,30')
  • If possibility of rain is more than 60% and it's not currently raining app send mail with alert:
        if int(rain_forecast) >= 60 and previous == 0:
            print("Rain forecast", rain_forecast, "so I'm sending mail", previous)
            return rain_forecast
        elif int(rain_forecast) >= 60 and previous == 1:
            print("Rain forecast", rain_forecast, "but it has already been raining", previous)
            return 1
            print("Rain forecast", rain_forecast, "doesn't rain", previous)
            return 0