- Tailwind 3.0
- Near perfect lighthouse score - Lighthouse report
- Mobile-friendly view
- Light and dark theme
- Supports plausible, simple analytics and google analytics
- MDX - write JSX in markdown documents!
- Math display supported via KaTeX
- Citation and bibliography support via rehype-citation
- Automatic image optimization via next/image
- Flexible data retrieval with mdx-bundler
- SEO friendly with RSS feed, sitemaps and more!
- Vercel deploy
- Translatinos with next-translate
name: Edgar Gago Carrillo avatar: /static/images/team/edgar.png occupation: Co-Founder & CTO company: FactorialHR email: readme.edgar@gmail.com twitter: https://twitter.com/edgar_md linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/edgargagocarrillo github: https://github.com/gagocarilloedgar
In progress
git clone https://github.com/gagocarriloedgar/portoflio
Vercel Deployed with Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.