Angular Mock Back

A utility library to help with mocking your backend and backend-less development.


You can install this module with bower

bower install angular-mock-back

Sample Project

Look at angular-mock-back-demo-app for examples.


For a quick overview checkout the ngEurope Lightning Talk.


Create a config object with the two following properties:

moduleName: <String>
mappings: <Array>

Once you have your config object: angularMockBack(configObject);

Config Object

Module Name Property

Is the name of the top-level module of your application.

moduleName: 'myApp'


This is where you define what data is going to be returned. The mappings is an array of objects that have body for the return object and code for the returned status code plus it can have the same properties as $httpBackend.when().

mappings: [
		url: <string> | <regex>,
		body: <data to be returned>,
		data: <string> | <regex>,
		headers: <object> | <function(object)>,
        passThrough: <boolean>

It defaults to a method of GET and status of 200 so you can write:

mappings: [
		url: <string or regex>,
		body: <data to be returned>

Additional to all the properties from $httpBackend.when there is also a passThrough property. Setting it to true allows for the request to go to the server. It's very useful in overrides.


You can override any part of the mapping. To do this you add an overrides property to the mapping. You can add as many overrides as you want to a mapping. To use the override just add the name of the override as a query parameter to the url right after the index file.

mappings: [
		url: <string or regex>,
		body: <data to be returned>,
		overrides: {
			overrideName: {
				body: <data to be overriden>

The url with the override would look something like:




Multiple overrides can be used:
