
this is notes/tools used for HiC_cap/HiChIP project

use Arima kit as major tool

HiC_pro , FitHiChip for Aqua_hichip

Biowulf has HiCpro (ver: 3.1.0)

script location:


config text


first digest genome using .py

the cutting site for Arima :


digest script example:

digest_genome.py -r ^GATC G^ANTC -o arima.test.bed /fdb/igenomes/Homo_sapiens/UCSC/hg19/Sequence/Bowtie2Index/genome.fa

according to:


modify config.txt

Run HiC-pro

HiC-Pro -i data -o output_sbatch -c config.txt



running in separate mode: -s option


bwahaha in HiC-pro problem




convert HiC-pro output to .hic file using juicer:



$ module load juicer hicpro $ tar=/usr/local/apps/hicpro/3.1.0_conda/bin/utils $ $tar/hicpro2juicebox.sh -i ../../hic_results/data/rh4_hg19_d/rh4_hg19_d.allValidPairs -g hg19 -j /usr/local/apps/juicer/juicer-1.6/scripts/juicer_tools.jar


juicer_tools dump observed NONE hic_file.hic 11:17600000:17800000 11:17600000: 17800000 BP 5000 output.txt

whats dump value?

is interaction freq

The mainly normalization in Aqua

Convert to contacts per million (CPM), then AQuA normalize https://github.com/GryderArt/AQuA-HiChIP/blob/master/extractAPA_plotAQuA-APA.R

CPM.result = Matrix * 1000000 / sum of valid_interaction_rmdup of hg19 and mm10 Final normalization = CPM.result * Aqua_factor

Conver HiC-pro to BEDOE format: the package is inside the HiCcompare/ the guy recent interview


HiCcompare tutorial


file in the /output/hic_results/matrix/sample/raw/resulation/

need .bed and .matrix

arima_MAPS pipeline resolution is 5000

Max_range = 2000000 (in .sh script)

.allvalidpairs in HicPro, probably can be covert as bedpe file??

The format of allValidpair

read name / chr_reads1 / pos_reads1 / strand_reads1 / chr_reads2 / pos_reads2 / strand_reads2 / fragment_size [/ allele_specific_tag]

In HiC-Pro, this is the size of the DNA fragments before sequencing. Basically, the distance between the first bases of R1/R2.

To convert the allValidpair to gi_list

4C -plot to loop plot

Allvalidparis to beep



cloop to convert dump to bedpe



GOAL: Plan A : scale aquq-facor in the matrix IF, int , done! Plan B: scale ICEd ???

Bias is for Bias regression model

Target: FitHiChIP_HiCpro.sh

after the operation, a file with 8 columns is produced

chr start end coverage ispeak mappability GCcontent NoCutSites


FitHiChIP.AllBin_CompleteFeat_ICE.bed Chr Start End Coverage IsPeak “Bias”

$RScriptExec ./src/Significance_Features.r -I $Interaction_File -E $AllFeatFile -O $IntFileALLtoALL -C $ChrSizeFile


Cerated a file called “Interactions.sortedGenDist.bed”

cc= contact count between corresponding interacting regions == HiC-pro raw matrix 3rd cloumn

coverage also scaled according to aqua-factor

The bias value won’t change regardless scale aqua-factor or not


FitHichip Diff modify


the code it has problem dealing with bedgraph


Tool he provide:


Bedops is in Biowulf:



Since the narrow peak from MACS2 can be used as bedgraph, The “SingleValue” is tag density, we could use that as the “Map element set in bedops tool” the value will be 7th colum

The “reference set” use the 5000 bin, in the code 789: bedtools makewindows -g", opt$ChrSizeFile, "-w", BinSize, ">", TargetBinnedChrFile

format example:

“map element set, the value is density from narrowpeak, at 7th column”

The format need 5 column to run, so need to modify the sample to this:

“Reference set, in 5000 bin size ” (OPTIONAL)

code example:

bedmap --echo --mean 5000_bin_with_bin.bed test_with_name.bedgraph


bedmap --mean --skip-unmapped 5000_bin_with_bin.bed test_with_name.bedgraph



Probably need NAN to 0 since it is according to order of bin Can it accept decimal point??

line 641 end function

line 802-819

If i==1, else function, both will be excuated, the code run if==1 first, second round just run else code since the second round i == 2

separate column by “|” to ‘\t’

awk '{sub(/|/,"\t"); print $0}' result.txt

bedmap --echo --mean standard_bin test_with_name.bedgraph | awk '{sub(/|/,”\t”); print $0}' > Mergedfile

replace NAN to 0

sed 's/NAN/0/g' file > finalfile

In R: wondering

How to escape some regex in R, the “\” is escape sign : How to escape “\” ==> \

no need escape in paste():

/ |

need to escape

“ ‘

system(paste("bedmap --echo --mean", f1 , f2, "| awk","'{sub(/\|/,"\t"); print $0}'",">", "MERGED.txt" ))


Chip-sed bam file:######


For searching FitHiCHip diff input chip-seq bam file, found MAPS pipeline has some insight.

they use this bam file as MACS2 input for calling peak


find this place how to generate this bam file.


Command line:

MACS2 callpeak -t SC829846_CGATGT_L001.shrt.bam -n SC829846_CGATGT_L001 -g hs --broad --nolambda --broad-cutoff 0.3 --outdir ./OUTPUTFOLDER

-t = input bam file -n =file name https://github.com/macs3-project/MACS/blob/master/docs/callpeak.md

Printing with sed or awk a line following a matching pattern


python $cwd/feather/feather_pipe preprocess -o $feather_output -p $dataset_name -f1 $fastq1 -f2 $fastq2 -b $bwa_index -q $mapq -l $length_cutoff -t $threads -c $per_chr -j $generate_hic -d $optical_duplicate_distance

Excuse the script in the folder with fastq files

python3 py_sc/feather_pipe preprocess -o out/ -p test -f1 t1_R1.fastq.gz -f2 t1_R2.fastq.gz -b $genome -q 30 -l 1000 -c 0 -j 0 -d 2500 -t 12

HiC-pro output explain:

https://github.com/nf-core/hic/blob/master/docs/output.md HiC_pro , FitHiChip for Aqua_hichip

Biowulf has HiCpro (ver: 3.1.0)

script location:


#config text /usr/local/apps/hicpro/config_example.txt

first digest genome using .py

the cutting site for Arima :


digest script example:

digest_genome.py -r ^GATC G^ANTC -o arima.test.bed /fdb/igenomes/Homo_sapiens/UCSC/hg19/Sequence/Bowtie2Index/genome.fa

according to:


modify config.txt

Run HiC-pro

HiC-Pro -i data -o output_sbatch -c config.txt



running in separate mode: -s option


bwahaha in HiC-pro problem




convert HiC-pro output to .hic file using juicer:



$ module load juicer hicpro $ tar=/usr/local/apps/hicpro/3.1.0_conda/bin/utils $ $tar/hicpro2juicebox.sh -i ../../hic_results/data/rh4_hg19_d/rh4_hg19_d.allValidPairs -g hg19 -j /usr/local/apps/juicer/juicer-1.6/scripts/juicer_tools.jar


juicer_tools dump observed NONE hic_file.hic 11:17600000:17800000 11:17600000: 17800000 BP 5000 output.txt

dump value?

is interaction freq

The mainly normalization in Aqua

Convert to contacts per million (CPM), then AQuA normalize https://github.com/GryderArt/AQuA-HiChIP/blob/master/extractAPA_plotAQuA-APA.R

CPM.result = Matrix * 1000000 / sum of valid_interaction_rmdup of hg19 and mm10 Final normalization = CPM.result * Aqua_factor

Conver HiC-pro to BEDOE format: the package is inside the HiCcompare/ the guy recent interview https://github.com/dozmorovlab/HiCcompare/blob/master/R/hicpro2bedpe.R

HiCcompare tutorial


file in the /output/hic_results/matrix/sample/raw/resulation/

need .bed and .matrix

arima_MAPS pipeline resolution is 5000

Max_range = 2000000 (in .sh script)

.allvalidpairs in HicPro, probably can be covert as bedpe file??


The format of allValidpair

read name / chr_reads1 / pos_reads1 / strand_reads1 / chr_reads2 / pos_reads2 / strand_reads2 / fragment_size [/ allele_specific_tag]

In HiC-Pro, this is the size of the DNA fragments before sequencing. Basically, the distance between the first bases of R1/R2.

To convert the allValidpair to gi_list


4C -plot to loop plot

Allvalidparis to beep



cloop to convert dump to bedpe



GOAL: Plan A : scale aquq-facor in the matrix IF, int , done! Plan B: scale ICEd ???

Bias is for Bias regression model

Target: FitHiChIP_HiCpro.sh

after the operation, a file with 8 columns is produced

chr start end coverage ispeak mappability GCcontent NoCutSites


FitHiChIP.AllBin_CompleteFeat_ICE.bed Chr Start End Coverage IsPeak “Bias” 

$RScriptExec ./src/Significance_Features.r -I $Interaction_File -E $AllFeatFile -O $IntFileALLtoALL -C $ChrSizeFile



Cerated a file called “Interactions.sortedGenDist.bed”

cc= contact count between corresponding interacting regions == HiC-pro raw matrix 3rd cloumn

coverage also scaled according to aqua-factor

The bias value won’t change regardless scale aqua-factor or not


FitHichip Diff modify


the code it has problem dealing with bedgraph


Tool he provide:


Bedops is in Biowulf:



Since the narrow peak from MACS2 can be used as bedgraph, The “SingleValue” is tag density, we could use that as the “Map element set in bedops tool” the value will be 7th colum

The “reference set” use the 5000 bin, in the code 789: bedtools makewindows -g", opt$ChrSizeFile, "-w", BinSize, ">", TargetBinnedChrFile

format example:

“map element set, the value is density from narrowpeak, at 7th column”

The format need 5 column to run, so need to modify the sample to this:

“Reference set, in 5000 bin size ” (OPTIONAL) 

code example:

bedmap --echo --mean 5000_bin_with_bin.bed test_with_name.bedgraph


bedmap --mean --skip-unmapped 5000_bin_with_bin.bed test_with_name.bedgraph



Probably need NAN to 0 since it is according to order of bin Can it accept decimal point??

line 641 end function

line 802-819

If i==1, else function, both will be excuated, the code run if==1 first, second round just run else code since the second round i == 2

separate column by “|” to ‘\t’

awk '{sub(/|/,"\t"); print $0}' result.txt

bedmap --echo --mean standard_bin test_with_name.bedgraph | awk '{sub(/|/,”\t”); print $0}' > Mergedfile

replace NAN to 0

sed 's/NAN/0/g' file > finalfile

In R: wondering

How to escape some regex in R, the “\” is escape sign : How to escape “\” ==> \

no need escape in paste():

/ |

need to escape

“ ‘

system(paste("bedmap --echo --mean", f1 , f2, "| awk","'{sub(/\|/,"\t"); print $0}'",">", "MERGED.txt" ))


Chip-sed bam file:######


For searching FitHiCHip diff input chip-seq bam file, found MAPS pipeline has some insight.

they use this bam file as MACS2 input for calling peak


find this place how to generate this bam file.


Command line:

MACS2 callpeak -t SC829846_CGATGT_L001.shrt.bam -n SC829846_CGATGT_L001 -g hs --broad --nolambda --broad-cutoff 0.3 --outdir ./OUTPUTFOLDER

-t = input bam file -n =file name https://github.com/macs3-project/MACS/blob/master/docs/callpeak.md

Printing with sed or awk a line following a matching pattern


python $cwd/feather/feather_pipe preprocess -o $feather_output -p $dataset_name -f1 $fastq1 -f2 $fastq2 -b $bwa_index -q $mapq -l $length_cutoff -t $threads -c $per_chr -j $generate_hic -d $optical_duplicate_distance

Excuse the script in the folder with fastq files

python3 py_sc/feather_pipe preprocess -o out/ -p test -f1 t1_R1.fastq.gz -f2 t1_R2.fastq.gz -b $genome -q 30 -l 1000 -c 0 -j 0 -d 2500 -t 12

HiC-pro output explain:
