This course repository will house homework assignments, useful scripts, and code samples.
To install the software needed for the course on a Mac, please execute the following:
bash utilities/
Fork the repository from here to your personal account
Clone it down to your computer through the following terminal command. This will create a folder on your local machine.
git clone<YOUR_USERNAME>/mmart-168-fall2017.git
- In order to merge in the latest assignments you'll need to create a remote to the base homework repo. If this is confusing, don't worry too much - just use the following command:
git remote add upstream
Each week, we'll add a new folder for that week's homework. In order to get the new homework, use the following command:
- Each week, you'll rebase from the class repo, which will give you access to the latest homework assignment on your local machine.
git pull --rebase upstream master
In order to submit your homework, you'll need to push your changes to your github repository. This will take a couple of steps.
Before you start your homework, make sure you're working on the branch master
. If you are not, use the following command:
git checkout master
To create a new branch, use:
git checkout -b <branch-name>
Note: Branch names should be semantic. We recommend using something like hw01
Unfortunately, there's not a simple git command for this. Just use your favorite text editor. (:
Once you've finished the homework and are ready to submit, check to see which files you've changed using
git status
Add the appropriate files using
git add <file1> <file2>
Note: if you want to add all files, use:
git add -A
Commit changes using the following command:
git commit -m "<your commit message here>"
Note: make sure to use a semantic commit message in the PRESENT TENSE, e.g., "Add DOM manipulation function to HW01"
Finally, push your changes to your github repository with the following:
git push origin <branch_name>