
Dart language tutorial from starting basic concept to all the important concepts to start with flutter framework to develop cross platform applications

Primary LanguageDart


Dart Language Tutorial

Introduction to Dart

  • Dart is an object oriented programming language with an identical synatx of C,C++ and Java.
  • It is an official language of Flutter Framework.

Why Dart ?

  • Using Flutter Framework we can develop cross platform applications with a single code base.
  • To do so, firstly we need to learn Dart Language and get familiar with the dart syntax.


Note -

  • This repository contains all the basic and important concepts of dart that you will need to start development in Flutter.
  • Currently this repo contains only few concept as it is in still development.
  • So, on regular basis the other Dart concepts will be pushed to repo.

How to clone this repository ?

Follow this steps to install the repository locally on your PC/laptop :-
Step 1 :*
Navigate to the link https://github.com/gaikwadshantanu12/DartTutorial.

Step 2 :
Then click on Green Color Code button and click on HTTPS option. You will get the link below it like this - https://github.com/gaikwadshantanu12/DartTutorial.git

Step 3 :
Open the terminal/command prompt in your laptop/PC and paste the copied link along with clone keyword like this clone https://github.com/gaikwadshantanu12/DartTutorial.git in the terminal/command prompt and hit enter.

Step 4 :
Now, you have downloaded the entire rerepository locally and you can access the code now and may start learning with it.

Topics Covered So Far

Basics of Dart :
- variable, comments, operators, input output statement

Dart Data Types :
- number, integer, string, list, map, set, queue

Control Flow :
- if else statement, loops, continue and break statement, switch case, label

Functions :
- basic function, function types, optional argument passing and types, lamda function and setter getter method/function

Object Oriented Programming :
- basic of inheritance, constructor and its types, use of static keyword, use of super keyword , types of inheritance, super constructor, method and its types, method overloading, method overriding, interface and multiple inheritance, callable class

Dart Utilities :
- basic function and properties of DateTime class and Duration class, async and await function

Advance Topics :
- exception handling, user defined exceptions, assert statement