
A compiler and interpreter for a small Java based language

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


Copyright 2012 Matthew Mole <code@gairne.co.uk>, Peter Sandy <pudabudigada@gmail.com>

Available at: https://github.com/gairne/furlang

This is a naive interpreter and is full of vulnerabilities.
This will not be maintained and is a tool for learning and experience.
DO NOT use this in a production environment, including safety-critical and economically-critical environments.


make clean && make


./furlang example

The example program puts a load of numbers on the stack, adds them, subtracts a few etc... then prints two results.

For more information #define DEBUG and DEBUG_PRINTSTACK in intepreter.c

At the moment, the interpreter reads in two characters at a time per instruction.
The first character is the opcode. The second character is the operand (optional in some cases).

Valid opcodes are:
0 - Pop and add the top two integers on the stack and push the result
1 - Load an integer literal on the stack
2 - Pop and subtract the penultimate-top integer on the stack by the top integer on the stack and push the result
3 - Pop and multiply the top two integers on the stack and push the result
4 - Pop and divide the penultimate-top integer on the stack by the top integer on the stack and push the result
5 - Print the top of the stack as an integer