
Example of how to use RabbitMQ Message Queuing in Magento 2.3.x.

Primary LanguagePHP

Gaiterjones RabbitMQ


Main Functionalities

Rabbit MQ Messaging example

Example of how to use RabbitMQ Message Queuing in Magento 2.3.x. After a product is saved module queues product data using an event observer (catalog_product_save_after) and message publisher. Consumer displays the data when consumer queue is started.

Requires a RabbitMQ server.

edit env.php

'queue' =>
  array (
    'amqp' =>
    array (
      'host' => 'magento2_rabbitmq_1',
      'port' => 5672,
      'user' => 'guest',
      'password' => 'guest',
      'virtualhost' => '/'

After installing module run setup:upgrade to create the queue.

Confirm queue exists with

bin/magento queue:consumers:list

Start the consumer with

bin/magento queue:consumers:start gaiterjones_product_save

Save a product and the product data (sku) will be queued by the publisher, and read by the consumer.