
Android Compose Expandable/Foldable Box Library

Primary LanguageKotlin


This library offers a Box Composable that can be expanded/reduced through up/down swipe gestures.

MusicPlayer Sample Article Page Sample Map Sample
MusicPlayerSample ArticlePageSample MapSample

Including in your project


Add below codes to settings.gradle.

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }

And add a dependency code to your module's build.gradle file.

dependencies {
    implementation 'io.groovin:GroovinExpandableBox:x.x.x'



ExpandableBox is Expandable Layout based on Box through up/down swipe gestures.

    modifier = modifier,
    expandableBoxState = rememberExpandableBoxState(initialValue = ExpandableBoxStateValue.Fold),
    swipeDirection = ExpandableBoxSwipeDirection.SwipeUpToExpand,
    foldHeight = 100.dp,
    halfExpandHeight = 300.dp,
    swipeGestureEnabled = true,
    nestedScrollEnabled = true
) {
    Content(...)   //Contents Composable

There are 6 arguments to be aware of use.

  • expandableBoxState : ExpandableBox needs ExpandableBoxState for store and use its status. See the section below for details.
  • swipeDirection : You can set the Swipe direction for expanding this. default = SwipeUpToExpand
  • foldHeight : Define the Minimized Height. Mandatory
  • halfExpandHeight : Define the Half Expanded Height If you want to use Half Expanded State. If not defined, half expanded state is not used. Optional
  • expandHeight : Define the Fully Expanded Height. The default is Dp.Unspecified, which sets it to the parent's maximum height. Optional
  • swipeGestureEnabled : You can disable swipe gesture. default = true
  • nestedScrollEnabled : You can enable nested scrolling to allowing seamless swipe gesture with scrollable composable like Column or LazyColumn. default = true


ExpandableBox needs ExpandableBoxState instance for store and use its status.

val expandableBoxState = rememberExpandableBoxState(initialValue = ExpandableBoxStateValue.Fold)

One of the values below must be set as the initial value.

  • ExpandableBoxStateValue.Fold : Begin with Minimized state.
  • ExpandableBoxStateValue.HalfExpand : Begin with Half Expanded state. Note that halfExpandHeight parameter in ExpandableBox should be defined to specific value for use this.
  • ExpandableBoxStateValue.Expand : Begin with Fully Expanded state.

ExpandableBoxState exposes following parameters.

  • completedValue : Indicates that latest completion State : Fold, HalfExpand, Expand
  • progressValue : Indicates that current Progress State : Fold, Folding, HalfExpanding, Expanding, Expand
  • offset : Indicates that current height pixel. Note that Folding, HalfExpand State is only available when only Half Expand state is used.


A ExpandableBoxScope provides a scope with attributes for the content of ExpandableBox.

  • progress: Float : Progress value(0 ~ 1f) between Fold to Expand(in use Half Expand state case, Fold to HalfExpand, or HalfExpand to Expand).
  • completedState: ExpandableBoxStateValue : It is same with ExpandableBoxState.completedValue
  • progressState: ExpandableBoxStateValue : It is same with ExpandableBoxState.progressValue

also, ExpandableBoxScope inheriting BoxScope, it can be used the same as BoxScope.


Copyright 2023 gaiuszzang (Mincheol Shin)

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.