
Mod 1 FE paired project boilerplate repo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hang In There

A boilerplate repo.

Set Up

  1. One teammate: fork this repository
  2. Go to settings and turn on GitHub Pages for this repository
  3. All teammates: clone down this repository
  4. cd into the repository
  5. Run open index.html to view it in the browser


Iteration 0 - Main Page

screenshot of main page showing poster

  • When the page loads, we should see a poster with a randomly selected image, title, and quote

Iteration 1 - Switching Views

Form page: screenshot of form

Saved posters page (once working with extra saved posters): screenshot of saved posters page

  • When a user clicks the "Make Your Own Poster" button, we should see the form, and the main poster should be hidden
  • When a user clicks the "View Saved Posters" button, we should see the saved posters area, and the main poster should be hidden
  • When a user clicks the "Nevermind, take me back!" or "Back to Main" buttons, we should only see the main poster section
  • In summary: Be able to switch between the three views (main poster, form, and saved posters) on the correct button clicks

Hint: go check out the HTML and CSS files to see how the form and saved posters sections are being hidden in the first place

Iteration 2 - Creating a New Poster

Form being filled out: screenshot of form

Once poster is saved: screenshot of result

  • On the new poster form view, users should be able to fill out the three input fields and then hit the save button
  • When the save button is clicked, several things will happen:
    • Save the submitted data into the respective arrays (image URL into the images array, etc) so that future random posters can use the user-created data
    • Use the values from the inputs to create a new instance of our Poster class
    • Change back to the main poster view (hiding the form view again)
    • Display the newly created poster image, title, and quote in the main view

Iteration 3 - Saving & Viewing Posters

Saved posters view: screenshot of saved posters section

  • When a user clicks the "Save This Poster" button, the current main poster will be added to the savedPosters array.
  • If a user clicks the "Save This Poster" more than once on a single poster, it will still only be saved once (no duplicates)
  • When a user clicks the "Show Saved Posters" button, we should see the saved posters section
  • All the posters in the savedPosters array should be displayed in the saved posters grid section

Iteration 4 - Deleting Saved Posters

  • From the saved posters view, if a user double clicks a saved poster, it will be deleted

Hint: How will you update the data model to achieve this?

Optional Extensions - Gettin' fancy

Here's a list of possible extensions to implement - but ONLY IF your team has completed all the previous iterations AND have cleaned up your code to make it DRYer and more readable.

You are welcome to add your own extensions. Be sure they are thoughtful in terms of UX/UI, and that they do not break any prior functionality.

  • Implement data validation and error handling into the form (disable button, provide error messages if data entered is not correct, etc)
  • In the main poster view, allow users to click each piece of the poster (image, title, quote) to update just that piece with another random item from the appropriate array
  • When a user single clicks a saved poster, create a modal to view it larger
  • Allow users to drag and drop saved posters into whatever order they want them to appear

Project spec & rubric can be found here