
Flashcards starter kit

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Questions To Answers

This command line based Q&A game challenges my current understanding of object-oriented programming, implements ES6 standards, utilizes SRP to the best of my abilities, and focuses on TDD.

To Play

To interact with this application please follow this link. Then in your terminal:

  • copy & paste git clone git@github.com:gaj23/questions-to-answers.git

Following the above instructions should lead to a similar result as the following: Gif example

At this time, the game is not yet playable. Please check back at a later time. Thank you.

Technologies Used in Creation

  • Atom
  • Chai, a testing framework
  • Mocha, an assertion library
  • NPM, to run tests via the terminal
  • ESlint, to check programming standards



I tried. I did the right things. Reached out for help. Took breaks. Did research. Ate. Exercised. At the date of the submission for this project, I decided that, for my mental health, I needed to stop and go to sleep. I realized I was trying to complete this project rather than trying to learn from this project.


I experienced deer in the headlights the first day of this project. Everything was difficult. Reading the rubric was painful. Things kept getting scrambled. Despite that, I create a four day schedule, the tasks I thought needed to get done each day, what day I had scheduled to speak with a mentor or outside source. I pretaught and research. I am incredibly proud of the time I took to plan and research. This skill will be beneficial for later projects as well.

table splitting each day with their necessary tasks

Future Iterations & Necessary Debugging


  • I am concerned that sad path testing was not considering.
  • A test file for game is needed.


  • A fully fleshed out game file.
  • The instantiation of Game.start in index.js to allow for node to run the application

Contributions & Thanks

Thanks to all who offered me technical and emotional support during the completion of this project. I am indebted to their guidance and input: John Adams @adamsjr8576 and Casey Dallavalle @cbddallavalle. Special thanks to my cohort members who took time to help me as well: Alice and Richard.

If you are interested in contributing please:

  • clone down this repo: git@github.com:gaj23/questions-to-answers.git
  • create a new branch: git checkout -b your-initials/feature/feature-name
  • contribute as you like
  • in the terminal, push the branch upstream
  • create a pull request via github
  • wait for a reply Thank you in advance for your input!


Please follow me on github or to reach out about this or any other projects: Gabrielle Joyce @gaj23

Thank you!