
A MATLAB toolbox for studying steady-state and transient stability of power systems with integrated vehicle to grid.

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT


We have used this framework to produce the results for the paper "Stability of power grids: An overview" published in the European Physics Journal SP and the manuscript "Improved steady-state stability of power grids with a communication infrastructure" currently under review.


You need MATPOWER 4.1 and a recent Matlab version (>2011).

Using the framework

Inspecting the stability of a power system

Create a new file e.g. "stability.m", load your case, test stability for small disturbances and specify the simulation scenario for large disturbances.

%load a power system from a case file
power_system = core.loadPowerSystem(@cases.case9a);

%check if the system is steady state stable using linearization
[is_stable,eigs,jacobian] = steady_state_stability.isSteadyStateStable(power_system,core.models.InternalNodesModel);

%check the systems transient stability

%define a dynamic simulation scenario
ss = dynamic_simulation.SimulationScenario(power_system);

%add some variable monitoring definitions, these are object that specify which
%variables at which generator/buses should be monitored during
%the dynamic simulation

%specify a disturbance and add it to the scenario
disturbance = core.disturbances.ThreePhaseShortCurcuit(2,.02,5);

%run the simulation
results = dynamic_simulation.runSimulation(ss);

%plot all monitored variables

Some nice plots that I've done with this framework.

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A small load change.

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Region of stability estimates with different methods.