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Blogy - Blog Website

Blogy is a fully responsive blog website,
Responsive for all devices, build using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. ➥ Live Demo

### Demo Screeshots ![Blogy Desktop Demo](./readme-images/desktop.png "Desktop Demo") ### Prerequisites Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements: * [Git](https://git-scm.com/downloads "Download Git") must be installed on your operating system. ### Run Locally To run **Blogy** locally, run this command on your git bash: Linux and macOS: ```bash sudo git clone https://github.com/codewithsadee/blogy.git ``` Windows: ```bash git clone https://github.com/codewithsadee/blogy.git ``` ### Contact If you want to contact with me you can reach me at [Twitter](https://www.twitter.com/codewithsadee). ### License This project is **free to use** and does not contains any license. # blog-website # blog-website