- 0
- 1
- 0
Prettier applied automatically
#93 opened by brettz9 - 0
- 1
`This experimental syntax requires enabling one of the following parser plugin(s): ‘jsx, flow, typescript’`
#50 opened by lucasrmendonca - 3
- 1
Remove @typescript-eslint/no-throw-literal
#86 opened by Razunter - 6
Could not resolve dependency: `npm error peer eslint@"^8.30.0" from eslint-config-canonical@43.0.12`
#84 opened by lucasrmendonca - 4
Support "Flat Config" (ESLint 9)
#80 opened by JoshuaKGoldberg - 0
Rule in config canonical/vitest not found
#81 opened by luffynando - 1
- 1
- 6
Splitting into multiple packages?
#38 opened by tavoyne - 2
Definition for the NextJS rules not found
#60 opened by yanislav-igonin - 3
Change `import/extensions`
#31 opened by brettz9 - 1
how to disable semicolons?
#61 opened by scarf005 - 2
Missing a config file?
#57 opened by Razunter - 6
Add `eslint-plugin-decorator-position`
#41 opened by Bosseskompis - 5
`sort-keys` autofix is case-sensitive
#43 opened by NimmLor - 1
- 0
- 2
- 3
Conflicting rule for *.test.ts files
#42 opened by lew - 1
Conflicting autofix with variable `pkg`
#37 opened by lew - 1
Support ESLint 8.x
#32 opened by MichaelDeBoey - 1
- 2
Integration with prettier
#35 opened by xeoneux - 1
Add eslint-plugin-sonarjs
#34 opened by gajus - 0
Add comments explaining choices for different rules
#16 opened by gajus - 0
- 7
Description of the code style
#2 opened by ryaninvents - 1
#6 opened by wagerfield - 1
Enable option `minKeys` for rule `sort-keys`
#20 opened by golopot - 1
`space-before-function-paren` for named functions
#30 opened by RA80533 - 7
- 1
Support ESLint 7.x
#21 opened by MichaelDeBoey - 2
Consider enabling `react/jsx-wrap-multilines`
#19 opened by wallzero - 1
Update eslint peerDep
#17 opened by brettz9 - 2
Add a table comparing canonical with other popular style guides, such as airbnb's
#15 opened by gajus - 0
- 1
- 0
ecmaFeatures leftover in react config
#11 opened by claudiorodriguez - 1
- 0
Remove unicorn/explicit-length-check
#7 opened by gajus - 1