
A read-only defi portfolio scanner

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This is a simple UI to get a current snapshot of any address for certain defi protocols. Currently it supports;

  • Compound Finance
  • Uniswap
  • Spankchain Bank

This was a quick rush job so code architecture is probably not great but it works and that was my goal.



  • To develop, run yarn start and you'll get a development server running with live changes.
  • To build production, run yarn build and push the build/* directory to gh-pages branch.

Branching Model

The main branch is master.

  • Branch off it and issue a PR into master branch.
  • Preferrably prefix your branch with ft- (feature), en- (enhancement), bf- (bugfix), hf- (hotfix)

Production is yarn build on the gh-pages branch.