
A bare bones http web framework in rust

Primary LanguageRust

Enzyme 🧪

A bare bones http web framework that stays out of your way.


The Server type is used to tie everything together. A Server instance is constructed with Server::new and takes a Router as an argument. Finally the .run method takes in a Config as an argument and starts the webserver.


Routing is done through the Router type. The Router has a new method to construct an instance and an .add method to add routes to the router.

The route! macro is used to generate a route from a path and a service proxy. A service proxy is a closure with the signature |cx: Context, req: Request| SERVICE_INSTANCE.service_endpoint(cx, req). The route! macro is used as follows:

route!(/"path"/param/"path"/"path"/param => service_proxy)

Where "path" is a static segment that must be matched verbatim and param is a parameter that is captured and made available through the Param type in the from_parts method in the Context trait.


Endpoint is entirely internal to enzyme and a user will never need to interact with it directly. Nonetheless it is good to know how it works.

An endpoint is an async function from Request to Response. An endpoint is created using Endpoint::new taking a service proxy as an argument. The returned endpoint is a function that takes in a Request and evaluates the service proxy as steps in the request evaluation.

Request and Response Types

Route functions must have the following signature:

async fn(ContextType, RequestType) -> WebResult<ResponseType>

RequestType and ResponseType can be any type that implements Deserialize + Default and Serialize respectively. The body of the request is deserialized into what ever type is used as RequestType and the type used as ResponseType is serialized into json automatically. This means contract types are automatically deserialized and serialized, you just define routes that consume your RequestType and return your ResponseType and the framework does the rest.

The Content-Length header is required in any requests containing a body that you wish to be automatically deserialized. A Content-Length of 0 will prevent deserialization of the body entirely.

Context Types

ContextType can be any type that implements the Context trait. The from_parts method is used to construct the ContextType from Parts and Params. Parts is the http::request::Parts type from the http crate and contains everything in the request except the body. An example ContextType could have members such as auth_token and the implementation of from_parts could parse out and evaluate the auth_token for validity before returning the ContextType. Finally access to the context of the request is accomplished by passing the ContextType into the async route function.

Error Handling

Async functions used in the framework return a WebResult type. The WebResult is a Result type with the error parameter set to be a WebError. A WebError is a message and an error code. The message can be anything that implements Serialize and the code is an StatusCode type from the http crate.