=== BINGO Simplified™ ===

Version: 2.1

Description: Simplified Bingo Game

Contributors: Miguel Galace, John Reyes

Download (v2.0): http://galacemiguel.github.io/bingo-simplified/download

Play online (v2.1): http://galacemiguel.github.io/bingo-simplified

=== Changelog ===

= 2.1 =
* Added game end screen
* Winning Bingo pattern is now highlighted
* Number call shortcut key (c) added
* Mismatched numbers now show
* Called numbers are now hidden on pause
* Code optimization
* Updated instructions
* Disabled auto-pause if game has not started
* Lowered max timeout to 15 minutes
* Lowered maximum number of turns to 300

= 2.0 =
* New name and logo
* All-new game design
* Called numbers no longer repeat
* Game code optimized
* Number 75 can now be generated and called into play
* New instructions and card creation screen layout
* Numbers now hidden on game pause
* Game now pauses when application is deactivated
* Added confirmation on close when game is in progress
* Game restart now requests confirmation
* Cursor now changes to 'Hand' on button hover
* Changed game end event design
* Changed Bingo card number input design
* Added timeout game event
* Limited maximum number of turns
* Fixed button focuses
* Added splash screen
* Message box edits
* Optimized timer

© 2013-2014 Miguel Galace, John Reyes. All rights reserved.