
unicreds is currently a pretty faithful port of credstash to go.

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Unicreds is a command line tool to manage secrets within an AWS account, the aim is to keep securely stored with your systems and data so you don't have to manage them externally. It uses DynamoDB and KMS to store and encrypt these secrets. Access to these keys is controlled using IAM.

Unicreds is written in Go and is based on credstash.


  1. Create a KMS key in IAM, using an aws profile you have configured in the aws CLI. You can ommit --profile if you use the Default profile.
aws --region ap-southeast-2 --profile [yourawsprofile] kms create-key --query 'KeyMetadata.KeyId'

Note: You will also need to assign permission to users other than the root account to access and use the key see How to Help Protect Sensitive Data with AWS KMS. 2. Assign the credstash alias to the key using the key id printed when you created the KMS key.

aws --region ap-southeast-2 --profile [yourawsprofile] kms create-alias --alias-name 'alias/credstash' --target-key-id "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"
  1. Run unicreds setup to create the dynamodb table in your region, ensure you have your credentials configured using the awscli.
unicreds setup --region ap-southeast-2 --profile [yourawsprofile]

Note: It is really important to tune DynamoDB to your read and write requirements if your using unicreds with automation!


usage: unicreds [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]

A credential/secret storage command line tool.

      --help                     Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and
  -c, --csv                      Enable csv output for table data.
  -d, --debug                    Enable debug mode.
  -j, --json                     Output results in JSON
  -r, --region=REGION            Configure the AWS region
  -p, --profile=PROFILE          Configure the AWS profile
  -t, --table="credential-store"  
                                 DynamoDB table.
  -k, --alias="alias/credstash"  KMS key alias.
  -E, --enc-context=ENC-CONTEXT ...  
                                 Add a key value pair to the encryption context.
      --version                  Show application version.

  help [<command>...]
    Show help.

    Setup the dynamodb table used to store credentials.

  get <credential>
    Get a credential from the store.

  getall [<flags>]
    Get latest credentials from the store.

  list [<flags>]
    List latest credentials with names and version.

  put <credential> <value> [<version>]
    Put a credential into the store.

  put-file <credential> <value> [<version>]
    Put a credential from a file into the store.

  delete <credential>
    Delete a credential from the store.


  • List secrets.
$ unicreds -r us-west-2 -p [yourawsprofile] list
  • Store a login for test123 from unicreds using the encryption context feature.
$ unicreds -r us-west-2 -p [yourawsprofile] put test123 -E 'stack:123' testingsup
   • stored                    name=test123 version=1
  • Retrieve a login for test123 from unicreds using the encryption context feature.
$ unicreds -r us-west-2 -p [yourawsprofile] get test123 -E 'stack:123'
  • Example of a failed encryption context check.
$ unicreds -r us-west-2 -p [yourawsprofile] get test123 -E 'stack:12'
   ⨯ failed                    error=InvalidCiphertextException:
	status code: 400, request id: 0fed8a0b-5ea1-11e6-b359-fd8168c3c784



If your on OSX you can install unicreds using homebrew now!

brew tap versent/homebrew-taps
brew install unicreds

Otherwise grab an archive from the github releases page.


I use scantest to watch my code and run tests on save.

go get github.com/smartystreets/scantest


  • Add the ability to filter list / getall results using DynamoDB filters, at the moment I just use | grep blah.
  • Work on the output layout.
  • Make it easier to import files


This code is Copyright (c) 2015 Versent and released under the MIT license. All rights not explicitly granted in the MIT license are reserved. See the included LICENSE.md file for more details.