FastAPI extension that provides JWT Auth support (secure, easy to use and lightweight), if you were familiar with flask-jwt-extended this extension suitable for you because this extension inspired by flask-jwt-extended.
- Access token and refresh token
- Token freshness will only allow fresh tokens to access endpoint
- Token revoking/blacklisting
- Custom token revoking
pip install fastapi-jwt-auth
- For Linux, macOS, Windows Bash
export AUTHJWT_SECRET_KEY=secretkey
- For Windows PowerShell
$Env:AUTHJWT_SECRET_KEY = "secretkey"
- Create a file
from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends, HTTPException
from fastapi_jwt_auth import AuthJWT
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
app = FastAPI()
class User(BaseModel):
username: str = Field(...,min_length=1)
password: str = Field(...,min_length=1)
# Provide a method to create access tokens. The create_access_token()
# function is used to actually generate the token, and you can return
# it to the caller however you choose.'/login',status_code=200)
def login(user: User, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):
if user.username != 'test' or user.password != 'test':
raise HTTPException(status_code=401,detail='Bad username or password')
# identity must be between string or integer
access_token = Authorize.create_access_token(identity=user.username)
return {"access_token": access_token}
def protected(Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):
# Protect an endpoint with jwt_required, which requires a valid access token
# in the request to access.
# Access the identity of the current user with get_jwt_identity
current_user = Authorize.get_jwt_identity()
return {"logged_in_as": current_user}
Run the server with:
$ uvicorn basic:app --host
INFO: Started server process [4235]
INFO: Waiting for application startup.
INFO: Application startup complete.
INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
To access a jwt_required protected url, all we have to do is send in the JWT with the request. By default, this is done with an authorization header that looks like:
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
We can see this in action using CURL:
$ curl http://localhost:8000/protected
{"detail":"Missing Authorization Header"}
$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
-d '{"username":"test","password":"test"}' http://localhost:8000/login
$ export TOKEN=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1OTczMzMxMzMsIm5iZiI6MTU5NzMzMzEzMywianRpIjoiNDczY2ExM2ItOWI1My00NDczLWJjZTctMWZiOWMzNTlmZmI0IiwiZXhwIjoxNTk3MzM0MDMzLCJpZGVudGl0eSI6InRlc3QiLCJ0eXBlIjoiYWNjZXNzIiwiZnJlc2giOmZhbHNlfQ.42CusQo6nsLxOk6bBUP1vnVX-REx4ZYBYYIjYChWf0c
$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" http://localhost:8000/protected
Access all URL to see what the result
from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends, HTTPException
from fastapi_jwt_auth import AuthJWT
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
app = FastAPI()
class User(BaseModel):
username: str = Field(...,min_length=1)
password: str = Field(...,min_length=1)'/login',status_code=200)
def login(user: User, Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):
if user.username != 'test' or user.password != 'test':
raise HTTPException(status_code=401,detail='Bad username or password')
access_token = Authorize.create_access_token(identity=user.username)
return access_token
# Returns the JTI (unique identifier) of an encoded JWT
def get_jti(Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):
access_token = Authorize.create_access_token(identity='test')
return Authorize.get_jti(encoded_token=access_token)
# this will return the identity of the JWT that is accessing this endpoint.
# If no JWT is present, `None` is returned instead.
def get_jwt_identity(Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):
current_user = Authorize.get_jwt_identity()
return {"logged_in_as": current_user}
# this will return the python dictionary which has all
# of the claims of the JWT that is accessing the endpoint.
# If no JWT is currently present, return None instead
def get_raw_jwt(Authorize: AuthJWT = Depends()):
token = Authorize.get_raw_jwt()
return {"token": token}
How long an access token should live before it expires. If you not define in env variable default value is15 minutes
. Or you can custom with valueint
(seconds), exampleAUTHJWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES=300
its mean access token expired in 5 minute -
How long a refresh token should live before it expires. If you not define in env variable default value is30 days
. Or you can custom with valueint
(seconds), exampleAUTHJWT_REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRES=86400
its mean refresh token expired in 1 day -
Enable/disable token revoking. Default value is None, for enable blacklist token:AUTHJWT_BLACKLIST_ENABLED=true
The secret key needed for symmetric based signing algorithms, such as HS*. If this is not setraise RuntimeError
. -
Which algorithms are allowed to decode a JWT. Default value isHS256
You can convert and validate type data from dotenv through pydantic (BaseSettings)
from fastapi_jwt_auth import AuthJWT
from pydantic import BaseSettings
from datetime import timedelta
from typing import Literal
# dotenv file parsing requires python-dotenv to be installed
# This can be done with either pip install python-dotenv
class Settings(BaseSettings):
authjwt_access_token_expires: timedelta = timedelta(minutes=15)
authjwt_refresh_token_expires: timedelta = timedelta(days=30)
# literal type only available for python 3.8
authjwt_blacklist_enabled: Literal['true','false']
authjwt_secret_key: str
authjwt_algorithm: str = 'HS256'
class Config:
env_file = '.env'
env_file_encoding = 'utf-8'
def get_settings():
return Settings()
# or you can just parse a list of tuple
# return [
# ("authjwt_access_token_expires",timedelta(minutes=2)),
# ("authjwt_refresh_token_expires",timedelta(days=5)),
# ("authjwt_blacklist_enabled","false"),
# ("authjwt_secret_key","testing"),
# ("authjwt_algorithm","HS256")
# ]
Examples are available on examples folder. There are:
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.