About this repo

This is a public repository for doc migration test in IES Docs team. Content in this repo is mostly cloned from https://github.com/galanoblcu/iesdocs, as the Gitkraken limits the operation on Github private repos to users with copyleft license.


To protect sensitive customer and NI information from digital attacks or information misuse, please avoid uploading sensitive information to public repositories like this.


You can create folders as needed. Some folders, for example, Tpc, was created for integration test on markdown and lightweight DITA.


Authoring Tools

  • If you are authoring in DITA, try oXygen XML editor. The latest version is 23.1. https://www.oxygenxml.com/doc/versions/23.1/ug-editor/index.html
  • If you are working in Markdown, you have various options, for example, notepad, visual studio code, atom, notepad++, github desktop, gitkraken, oxygen, or web editor embedded in Github, that is, here.
  • If you are working on image processing, Adobe Illustrator.

Source File Management Tool

Installation and Configuration

See https://nio365.sharepoint.com/:p:/r/sites/IESDocumentation/Shared%20Documents/Dita%20Migration/_Git%20it%20done.pptx?d=w394f1262f2e245bbae27ca9f7a6361f0&csf=1&web=1&e=qC2mEy

Note that since most of the tests were done in Gitlab, so the majority part of the content in the ppt above are mainly for Gitlab users. But the steps in Gitkraken is roughtly the same, just replace Gitlab with Github. Of course, the ppt will be updated soon.

Output Generation

Tables in Markdwon

Table creation and maintenance could be annoying even after months of experience with MD. There are some handy tools you can use to speed up the table creation or modification, aka. Table Generator. See https://jakebathman.github.io/Markdown-Table-Generator/ and https://www.tablesgenerator.com/markdown_tables.


galano.han@ni.com or galano.han@outlook.com