
EE462-Utilization of Electrical Energy

EE462-Utilization of Electrical Energy

This repo is for the projects of the ee462 course. Please visit this link for more info.

The requirements for each project are listed in the relevant folders.


Simulating start-up of a DC motor


Modeling a DC-motor drive system


Modeling a four-quadrant chopper DC-motor drive system




In this course, you must be honest and truthful. Ethical violations include cheating on exams, plagiarism, reuse of assignments, unauthorized collaboration, forgery and falsification, lying, dishonesty, and unfair competition.

In addition, the specific ethics guidelines for this course are:

  • Treat projects as in-class exams, thus working together on projects are NOT allowed. The final output should reflect only your own individual effort.

  • If you stuck at a stage in a project, you can ask for some help from your course instructor and assistant. You can also consult to your friends, however, it must be at the conceptual level and your collaborator(s) must be clearly acknowledged in your project reports. In other words you can not share anything other than ideas, such as parts of reports, building blocks of your models, codes etc. DO NOT COPY!

  • If you used any source from internet(including small bits of models, codes or text, cite them properly. When in doubt, cite.

  • Report any violations you witness to the instructor.